At SNG, investing in our communities – and young people in particular – is important to us. The SNG #iwill Fund creates £1.5 million worth of opportunities for youth social action and offers young people a voice in their communities and futures.
Launched in 2022, the SNG #iwill Fund is made possible thanks to a £66 million joint investment from The National Lottery Community Fund and the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS)
Under the SNG #iwill Fund, there are various programmes focusing on different areas of youth social action – you can read more about these below. Organisations can apply for an open grant to deliver specific youth social action projects, as long as they meet the programme criteria.

Find out more about our programmes below
SNG #iwill Fund 2.0 - Wellbeing Champions Programme (WCP)
The SNG #iwill Fund 2.0 - Wellbeing Champions Programme (WCP) is a three-year project (October 2023 - December 2026) investing £1 million with a focus on mental health and wellbeing for young people.
The SNG #iwill Fund 1.0
The SNG #iwill Fund 1.0 (formerly Sovereign #iwill Fund) was a two-year project (April 2022 - April 2024) investing £450k in giving young people a voice in their housing and community future.
#iwill Intergenerational Social Action Programme
We've teamed up with Clarion Futures, the charitable foundation of Clarion Housing Group, and Places for People to launch the ISA programme, investing £100k in connecting older and younger residents.