Housing for young people

Many young people can find themselves in a vulnerable position facing homelessness. This can be for many reasons, such as leaving care or experiencing family or relationship breakdown.
Our services for young people include specialist housing services and the Foyer on the Isle of Wight, which provide a safe place to live, learn and make the transition to independent adulthood.
By providing safe and secure accommodation for young people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, we give them the opportunity to focus on their strengths and build positive support networks to achieve their aspirations.
Whether that is their future education; improved mental health and wellbeing; finding meaningful work or the skills to live independently and maintain a home of their own, we help them to build on those skills with individual support, advice and guidance.
How does this work?
Each young person is unique and has differing needs. Either our own teams or our specialist partners work with them to create a person centred plan.
We provide more than just accommodation and our aim is to support all young people in our accommodation to be healthy, happy and develop independent and thriving lives. This will be through participation in support sessions, workshops and in-house training opportunities.
Who provides the support?
We work with specialist partners to deliver the service, where they can provide the knowledge and expertise to make sure we provide the best possible outcomes for each young person.
At our Foyer on the Isle of Wight, we deliver the complete service and have a dedicated team of support workers.