We’re here to provide homes but there are times when we can’t offer someone a tenancy, even if they’ve successfully bid on a property.
This is normally due to affordability and because we think we could be setting them up to fail.
To help those we have to say no to, we’re offering the opportunity for them to join our pre-tenancy programme run by social enterprise Your Own Place (YOP).
YOP will use its expertise in preventing homelessness to support people to improve their financial situation, so that next time they bid, we can hopefully turn that ‘no’ into a ‘yes’.
Our Lettings Officers will refer unsuccessful housing applicants, with their permission, to the programme.
YOP, which has an engaging, inclusive, values-led approach, will work with them 1:1 and in small groups, personalising the programme to their needs. They’ll cover topics on money, housing, tenancy and cost of living.
Alongside YOP, we’ll bolster what participants can access with our digital inclusion and employment and skills services.
The programme will be a minimum of 12 weeks long (depending on the participant’s needs) and will be done remotely so that it’s accessible in all of our localities. If someone has difficulty accessing the internet, they can speak with our Digital Inclusion team.
Everything we do starts with values, relationships, quality, impact and trust. In our pre-tenancy group workshops, everyone learns from, and is supported by, each other and their experiences so that they develop skills to find their own solutions by using their network and their own resilience. These are not simply life skills, but skills for life.
We'll use a mixture of 1:1 and group support, focusing on removing direct and related barriers to accessing housing.
Our online delivery is engaging, inclusive, interactive, and values-led. Our coaching approaches draw out people's skills, knowledge and confidence.
Watch the video below to find out more about the Steps to tenancy success programme.
You can also email Steps@sovereign.org.uk to learn more about the programme.
Find out how Steps to tenancy success helped change Amy’s life