It’s a woman’s world – Sovereign supports Bristol mums to boost employability
A leading housing association is calling on all mums living in their homes in the Bristol area to get in touch if they’re looking for support getting back into the workplace.
Housing association Sovereign has teamed up with the south west-based social enterprise The Women’s Work Lab to offer a free employment and training course for mums.
Women’s Work Lab supports mums who want to return to work, helping them break down any barriers they're facing like lacking self-confidence, limited work experience or the absence of a support network, which may be preventing them from finding their perfect job.
Sovereign will fully fund five places on The Women’s Work Lab autumn employability course, with sessions and work placements held during school hours only, meaning that mums can still make school pick-up time if they need to.
Grants of up to £250 for essential ‘starting work’ costs like clothing, equipment or travel, of up to £500 for training, of up to £750 for childcare and up to £1,000 for business start-ups for are also available to Sovereign residents, if needed.
Erica Watts, Sovereign’s Head of Employment and Training, said: "The pandemic has heightened existing gendered inequalities around work opportunities and work-life balance, in particular – in other words, mums have been affected greatly by the pandemic, with a recent study reporting that women are twice as likely to quit their jobs due to caring responsibilities than men.
"The bespoke programme being run by Womens Work Lab specialises in unlocking women's potential and removing barriers to support each participant to establish the successful career that they choose and deserve."
The course has been created with participants’ needs and aspirations in mind:
- Sessions and work placements are held during school hours only
- The course is easily accessible by public transport
- Each person will receive practical career support, including CV writing, interview techniques and job searching
- They’ll be able to network with other mums
Joselynne from South Bristol who joined the programme last year, said: “The Women's Work Lab has helped me realise my potential and see a brighter future for my family."
Applications for the 12-week course, which are open to mums who have been out of work for over a year, close on Friday 25 June. To apply or find out more, please email employmentandtraining@sovereign.org.uk