Island play park gets £37k makeover thanks to housing association
A play space at Preston Close in Ryde has been given a new lease of life after it was redesigned for local residents.
The park on Preston Close has been improved thanks to £37k of funding from Sovereign Housing Association.
The project was driven by a local residents, with the whole community coming together to decide which play equipment they would like. With residents driving the change, the park now benefits from a brand new swing, two goal frames, a roundabout, springer and climbing frame plus a slide.
Resident Vicky Cartwright said: “A massive thank you to Sovereign for making this happen and getting it all done for us, we very much appreciate it.”
Toby Eaglen, Sovereign’s Community Investment Lead said: “It was a pleasure to work alongside the community to reinstate brand new park equipment at Preston Close, and a joy to see so many children enjoying the new area.”