Age is not a barrier to finding a new job
Julie asked for help from the Employment and Training team because, in her own words, “I had hit an all-time low and felt I was getting nowhere in life and struggling to make ends meet”.
Julie wasn’t used to asking for help and it was really difficult for her to admit she needed it but she had got so low, that she realised she couldn’t do it on her own.
She was working but was very unhappy in her job as she felt she wasn’t valued and the pay was very low for what she was doing. It had caused her to feel demoralised and she couldn’t see her way out. Also, her car had failed its MOT and she had had to get rid of it as she couldn’t afford the repair costs.
Her Sovereign Income Officer referred her to the Employment and Training Service and she was contacted by one of our Employment and Training Officers, Lynn Bedwell.
She tells us what a difference working with Lynn made to her life:
"I felt that Lynn really listened to me. She helped me identify my transferrable skills, research the local job market, produce an up-to-date CV and gave me guidance on interview techniques."
"Lynn also arranged some digital skills training and a laptop for job searching and applications and gave me a food voucher when I was really struggling financially."
"This changed my mindset and, using my new laptop and new CV, I searched for a job with more determination."
"It wasn’t long before I was offered two jobs and I chose a full time cleaning role in a company which produces premium desserts."
"My confidence also spurred me on to enquire about a cheap car on social media and a kind person gave it to me for free! Lynn arranged a work grant to contribute to the cost of car insurance and I felt as if my luck turned around."
"I thought I was too old to find a new job but this was not the case. I’ve learned not to be so down on myself and am now in a job in which I feel valued and appreciated."
"The support from Lynn got me out of my slump which I didn’t realise I was in at the time and now I’m getting comments from people close to me who are saying they have noticed how much happier I am."
I wrote to Lynn: “I'm so happy and it's all thanks to you and your amazing support and your wonderfully upbeat and motivating chats, I'm so thankful for everything you have done for me.”
"I’m now working full time, my finances are under control, my rent is in credit, I have a car on the road and although I work long hours it is such a nice place to work, I am enjoying it. The people are great and there is cake! I am financially better off, have made friends and go on works outings. Lynn will continue to support me for the next few months and has offered me the opportunity of applying for a course which could allow me to move into a higher paid role."
"For anyone thinking about contacting Sovereign’s Employment and Training team, I say give it a go, no matter what you need, I’m sure you will get help. You have nothing to lose."