Grounds for refusal

We’re committed to working closely with Local Authorities, our partners and customers to provide affordable homes to people in need. However, there will be occasions where we feel the letting is not suitable.

We‘ll ask our customers to complete an in depth assessment and provide supporting documentation as part of our lettings process. This will identify any issues or concerns the customer or we might have. We’ll try to resolve these issues but if we’re unable to do so, we can make refusals in line with the grounds set out below.

The grounds for refusal should be used in conjunction with the SNG Lettings Policy.


  • The property they’ve been nominated to or shortlisted for is unsuitable as the household would be over-crowded or under-occupying without agreement.
  • The property is subject to a local lettings plan and the applicant does not meet the agreed criteria for allocation.
  • The property is subject to a Town and Country Planning Act Section 106 Agreement and the applicant doesn’t meet the required criteria.
  • The applicant has pets that are not permitted in the property.
  • The property is subject to a sensitive letting due to historic issues in that area and the person is not considered suitable or does not meet the criteria set out in the letting agreement.


  • We’re unable to contact the applicant by either phone, text or email within 24 hours of our first contact attempt.
  • We have no documentary evidence that the applicant has the right to reside in the UK and/or has no access to public funds.
  • The applicant has not provided us with the documentation supporting their application within a set timescale.
  • The applicant is unable to supply appropriate evidence to verify their identification.
  • Since being nominated or shortlisted, there’s been a change in circumstances which results in the applicant’s priority being amended, meaning they are no longer the successful applicant.
  • The applicant has an interest in an alternative property and they’re legally and reasonably able to reside there.
  • The applicant is under 18 years of age and has failed to provide an appropriate trustee.
  • The property is designated for older people and/or there are age restrictions in place which the applicant does not meet.
  • The property is designated as supported housing and the applicant doesn’t meet the support criteria.

Financial status:

  • The applicant is an existing SNG resident or leaseholder who owes us money, for either rent, service charges, garage rent, care and support charges, rechargeable works orders or any other debt.
  • The new applicant to SNG or former resident of SNG still has a housing related debt i.e. rent arrears, recharges, court costs etc. either with SNG or another housing provider.
  • The applicant has an interest in an alternative property, either by way of a financial interest, being named on a mortgage agreement or named as a tenant of another property and, can reasonably be expected to raise funds to secure alternative accommodation in the private sector.
  • The applicant/or households, financial status is in excess of £60,000 per annum and/ or has Savings/assets over £16,000, and there is no overriding medical condition. (Guidelines of the Charitable Status of the organisation)
  • The applicant is not able to produce evidence of sufficient independent funds (not benefit related) to show they can afford the property, which includes rent, service charges and associated living expenses.
  • There’s evidence that demonstrates the applicant isn’t properly managing their finances. This could include a history of rent arrears or other debt that hasn’t been repaid on a regular basis. Where this has been the case it’s expected that they’ll work with a charity or support agency for a period of time until they can show improved money management. This ground isn’t to be used where there is (or has been) debt which is at an affordable level and has been repaid consistently.

Support needs:

  • The applicant requires support in order to sustain a tenancy, and a sufficient confirmed support package is not in place prior to offer.
  • The applicant has failed or is refusing to engage with relevant support services in relation to an existing or proposed support package.
  • The applicant’s needs (either physical or mental health) exceed what our service can provide after considering all relevant information from key support providers.
  • The applicant has bid for a property that does not meet their immediate need, e.g. an adapted property where the applicant does not need the adaptations provided or needs adaptations which cannot be made in the property.
  • Where the needs of the individual may present risk or could create a negative impact on the immediate community. Particularly where there are other vulnerable residents.


  • The applicant lives in a SNG property and on inspection the home has not been maintained by the applicant and does not meet our ‘Empty Homes Standard’
  • The applicant (including anyone living within the household) has failed to provide accurate disclosure of their circumstances to SNG or the local authority either verbally or by housing application form and therefore have attempted to obtain a tenancy by fraud or deception.
  • There is a documented history of Anti-Social-Behaviour within the previous 24 months, and legal action was or could justifiably have been taken. This could include domestic abuse, harassment or other violent or criminal offences.
  • The applicant has a history of or has existing substance (including drugs and/or alcohol) misuse issues, which have or could have resulted in ASB or criminalproceedings. Each case will be carefully considered taking into account all relevant circumstances.
  • The applicant has caused significant damage to a property during a tenancy.
  • The applicant is a Scheduled Offender as defined by Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA). Each person will be considered on a case-by-case basis on completion of a risk assessment for a particular property through the local MAPPA arrangements for that area.
  • The applicant has been subject to legal proceedings as a perpetrator of domestic violence or abuse. An appropriate risk assessment will be carried out.
  • The applicant has been threatening, abusive, or been persistently vexatious toward any employee of SNG, or any partner agency.
  • We have documentary evidence that the applicant has breached the terms of a former tenancy, for example using their property for illegal or immoral purposes, running a business without permission, committing tenancy fraud, subletting a property, not adhering to covenants, or failing to use a property as their sole or principal home.

Each case will be considered on its own merit and taking into account all relevant information provided by key partners, support workers and Police.

We want to ensure our residents; both new and existing are successful in sustaining their tenancy. We will use these grounds to help us achieve this.

We’ll provide advice and guidance to any nominated person whom we have refused. If they’re an existing SNG resident we‘ll work closely with them to improve the situation and assist them to move where possible.

Any refusal will need to be approved by a Lettings Manager to ensure we are applying our Lettings policy and grounds for refusal correctly.

Customers have the right to ask for a review of our decision. A Manager (not involved in the initial refusal) will carry out the review and their decision is final.