Locating equipment

When you move into your new home in North Abingdon, you may need to find some items immediately.  

Use the table below to help you familiarise yourself with the various items of equipment in your home and where they are located.

Water main stop valveUnder the kitchen sink
Water meterTo the front of the plot in the ground box in the highway footpath
Consumer control unitIn the hall or under stairs cupboard
Electricity meterOn the front or side of the property
Gas meter and on/off valveGround level or wall mounted to the front of the property
Heating programmer and thermostat

Abbey Fields - In the lounge and bedroom 1

Kings Gate - Hallway

Central heating boilerIn the kitchen. Watch our video guide to find out how to operate it Opens in new window.

Watch this quick video guide on how to access and take readings from your electric, gas and water meters Opens in new window.