Banding criteria for transfers

When residents apply for a transfer we place them in one of two bands, according to their housing need and current circumstances.

Residents must provide evidence of how a move will improve their circumstances.

Applications are prioritised by band, then date of application. If an application is moved to a higher band, we will use the date it was given the new band.

Band 1

  • A household member is unable to occupy - or return to - their home due to acute medical needs.
  • The home can’t be adapted to meet a household member’s medical or disability related needs, and the home is unsuitable for them to live in.
  • In the current property, there’s a high risk of serious harm or a severe detrimental effect to a household member’s health.
  • There’s a risk to the safety of others living in the vicinity, resulting from the mental illness of a household member.
  • Police or other involved agencies recommend and support a move to another property, because of a serious risk to life due to safeguarding, anti-social behaviour or domestic abuse (ASB Officer discretion can be applied.)

Band 2

  • A member of the household has a medical condition or disability caused, or made worse by, their current housing.
  • A household member has been the victim of targeted anti-social behaviour or domestic abuse in the last six months (from date of request) and are still experiencing the impact of these behaviours.
  • The household is under occupying by two or more bedrooms and facing financial difficulty as a result, or unable to maintain their home
  • The household is overcrowded and needs two or more extra bedrooms.
  • The household members are over 55 and want to downsize into retirement living accommodation.
  • A household member needs to move to access specialist education, a permanent job or support services, because of a disability, their age or other welfare-related reasons.
  • The household is insubstantial financial difficulty, and a move would help their financial situation.
  • The household has succeeded to a tenancy, but the current home is bigger than they need and are required to move.
  • There are property condition issues to be rectified and works cannot be completed with the household living in the home and a permanent move has been agreed due to works expecting to take more than six months.

Non SNG residents

    • Applications accepted from Non SNG residents.
    • Applicants must meet our Lettings requirements to be offered a tenancy.

Medical needs – examples:

Band 1 Medical need

  • Place of safety cases
  • area household member is in hospital and unable to return home as a result of medical needs
  • A household member must sleep downstairs and cannot access toilet or bathing facilities due to stairs
  • The home cannot be adapted for wheelchair access or to
  • It’s not possible to adapt the home to provide the necessary care and support required
  • A consultant psychiatrist has assessed that the existing home is having a major effect on the mental health of a household member.

Band 2 Medical need

  • A household member has significant difficulty in managing stairs or accessing toilet or bathing facilities, and the property cannot be made suitable at reasonable cost.
  • The home is a significant contributory factor in a household member’s mental health