Past quarterly reports for customers
We want to have an open and honest relationship. A relationship where you’re able to hold us to account – that we do what we say and learn from things when we get them wrong. Our regular performance reports are part of you being able to hold us to account.
Your feedback, our engaged residents and resident led scrutiny also play a key role in monitoring what we do – as well as helping us maximise impact in our local communities.
The information below tells you a bit more about our performance as a landlord.
See our previous quarterly customers' performance reports
Over the last three months we’ve focused on centring our services and activities around our neighbourhoods and communities. We’ve combined our opportunities for customers to engage with us by launching our new SNG framework, which included opening recruitment for, and appointing, our Customer Influence and Scrutiny Panels - giving customers an opportunity to improve our services. You can find out more about our Customer Engagement panels here and they will start to meet in the new year.
We know that rising living expenses are still a worry, especially with the colder months coming, so want to remind you about our advice and guides pages: you’ll find everything from money, jobs and debt support to benefits guidance and ways you can look for a new home if you want to move.
Tea & Technology: Digital Skills training
Throughout July, residents completed weekly Digital Skills training sessions held at some of our Housing for Older People (HOP) schemes. An amazing 93% felt these helped them to use and understand their digital device better.
Read a text-only version of the video - Tea and Tech
Jane Peabody, SNG Resident: For me, the most important thing I'm going to use is adding an attachment to an e-mail or a photograph, which I didn't know how to do before. And that’s absolutely brilliant.
Today we opened up the NHS app, which was very interesting, and something I will use. Definitely made a difference. Definitely learned a lot.
I didn't think I would because we've been using, you know, laptops and iPads for a long time, but I have. It’s been good.
Shiela Evans, SNG Resident: Getting into the National Health, you know, website would be absolutely ideal because you have to do your prescriptions, which at the moment I'm just phoning up, which I'll be able to do, you know, online.
They asked you to go online and I can't do it. But you know, we've been taught, you know, taught how to do it, so that'd be great.
So, I'm always asking my daughter to do things. I'm like, as I said, I'd like to learn how to do the shopping because I have to text my daughter my shopping list. She has to do it online, you know, and so that, you know, she'll be grateful for that as well. But yeah. Keep on doing it. You know, I now know how to get get into that one. I remembered that. As I said, it’s remembering with me. I don't remember things, but I did do that straight away today.
Rita Lewis, SNG Resident: I learned how to switch it on. I was, I was quite, quite good on it really. But it's opened up my eyes to more things that I wouldn't even think using it has.
Maybe not so afraid because I mean, if I make a mistake, I just switch off and start again. How to go on the NHS thing on my phone as well, sending pictures. Anyway, you know, just enjoy it. Then make a nice cup of tea.
They've been very, very helpful and very, very informative.
Sue Head, SNG Resident: It made me more aware of what you can do. I do use my computer a lot, so I do online banking and everything. So, but yeah, no, it has been good. And they've been very helpful when we get stuck. They were always sort of there behind you.
So yeah, so it's been, it has been good. It's been well worth coming.
More about Tea & Technology sessions
The six weeks of ‘Tea & Technology’ training had big benefits for the well-being and independence of those who took part – as well as teaching valuable skills (such as how to access the NHS app to book doctor appointments) and helping to foster a sense of community.
Our Financial and Digital Inclusion team will continue offering these sessions at some of our HOP schemes, but customers of any age can also get in touch for more information on the support we offer around digital inclusion.
One resident from Trafalgar Court shared that it had "opened up another world" for them. Another customer said, “I personally regained confidence that I had lost and learned to do things I'd not known about or hadn't tried before. Thanks, guys, for all your support!”
Local action
Youth Social Action wellbeing festival on the Isle of Wight
Our first festival took place in Ryde on the Isle of Wight on Friday 16 August. After getting great positive feedback from young people, their families and local organisations, we’re pleased to report that the first festival was a success!
The event featured lots of fun stalls and activities, including a cooking workshop, art therapy activities, facepainting, fun mini-games and more.
Emily Morris, a member of the SNG Youth Panel who co-led the Youth Empowerment stall, shared, “Proud to be part of the first Wellbeing and Youth Social Action Festival that happened in Ryde, Isle of Wight, which is excitingly the first of many. I met so many amazing young people and shared so much about the #iwill movement and the SNG Youth Panel.”
Find out about the second festival taking place on 30 October in Plymouth.
Summer Fete at the Joshua Tree
At the end of the summer holidays, the Specialist Housing and Employment & Skills teams held a Summer Fete at the Joshua Tree, our temporary accommodation scheme for homeless households in Basingstoke.
Residents of Joshua Tree and nearby move-on properties enjoyed a range of free activities, including a tombola, clown performance, coffee van, and children's games. It was also wonderful to see some former residents of the scheme (who’ve now moved into independent housing) return to take part, including running stalls and sharing their success stories of living more independently.
Community Cookery School pilot is a success
Residents of the Notre Dame House Housing for Older People scheme in Plymouth enjoyed a fantastic day learning affordable ways to elevate their cooking.
Feedback was incredibly positive:
- 8 out of 9 participants agreed or strongly agreed that it helped combat loneliness
- 7 out of 9 said it improved their sense of community
- 8 out of 9 reported a positive impact on their mental health
One attendee, who rarely cooks, even asked the Chef for a written recipe so she could try it at home! Many others also said the event has inspired them to cook more and explore new recipes online.
Thriving Communities grants awarded
The Thriving Communities fund panel recently met to review applications for our first round of funding, which offers grants of up to £5,000 for projects that support SNG customers and communities.
Congratulations to our winning organisations: Basingstoke Mencap , Home Start Basingstoke & Deane
(Surrey, Hampshire & Isle of Wight), YMCA Bournemouth
, Impact Boscombe Youth Club
(Dorset & BCP), Design Nature CIC, Education Business Partnership (Wiltshire, Oxfordshire, Berkshire), Project Food
(Devon, Somerset, Bristol & Gloucester), Youth Engagement Solutions
, The Switch
, St. Andrew’s Youth Club
, Little Village
, Elder’s Voice, and Art4Space CIC
#InBloom competition success
14 gardens spanning the whole of SNG's geography were recently selected as winners and there are some amazing photos to showcase what they achieved.
This competition was about celebrating residents who go above and beyond when it comes to their green space, but also about encouraging others to give it a go too.
The five categories included most bright and vibrant green spaces; most outstanding for beauty and flourishing greenery; best communal gardens; most innovative indoor (/urban greening) gardens; and most sustainable gardens.
Community Investment at Notre Dame House
Notre Dame House is a Housing for Older People scheme where residents didn’t speak much to one another and there weren’t any community activities. As a result, we commissioned two of our partners to run activities with residents to help bring the community together: Plymouth Environmental Action (PEA) to run planting and environmental workshops, and Fair Table CIC to run a pilot cookery workshop.
Planting and Environmental Workshops with PEA:
- Raised £442,702 in social impact
- 32 residents benefited
- 5 reported an improvement in confidence
- 5 saw an improvement in their diet
- 10 found relief from their depression/anxiety
One resident, who helped pioneer this planting workshop alongside PEA, said:
“We are so happy with the way the garden has evolved over time and has been beneficial to those who visit in the early hours of the morning. They watch the sunrise and have found that the peace and quiet of their visits has really helped their mental health.”
The planting results from these workshops led to Diane Hurn at Notre Dame winning 1st place in our In Bloom Thriving Community Garden Award.
Judges’ comments: “This is a fantastic green space from an SNG housing for older people scheme. The panel were very impressed with the efforts from Diane and her husband in making this Community Garden space a wonderful place for the residents to come together, connect with nature and socialise.”
You asked, we did!
Your feedback matters to us. We value your honest feedback and ideas, which help us improve our services to better meet your needs. Through our ‘Close the Loop’ programme and new 'You said, we did' webpage, we want to show how we are listening to customer concerns - and acting upon them.
Close the Loop
Close the Loop is a new long-term programme where we call to check in with customers after they’ve received certain services. This lets us resolve any remaining issue before they need to escalate it – and the information we’re collecting will also show us where we need to improve aspects of our work to benefit other customers too.
- 65% of customers raised an issue that needed resolving, the rest of the feedback was compliments or simple requests.
- 190 issues have been successfully resolved following a Close the Loop call.
- 132 complaints have so far been prevented.
Encouragingly, we’ve also received feedback where customers have seen the link between their feedback and the action we’ve taken:
“I believe from a response to a survey; I have seen today someone putting weed killer down along the footpaths and driveways. It is nice to see you have taken on board what the residents say and improving the area where we live. Thank you.”
Supporting customers and investing in communities
Read a text-only version of the animation - Supporting customers and investing in communities
Between July and September 2024, we saw some great results:
- Debt advice
- Helped customers to save nearly £960k over the three-month period
- 955 customers supported around fuel poverty
- The service also generated £75.4m in social value during quarter 2
- Financial inclusion
- Supported 3,064 cases with financial inclusion (such as through fuel/heating vouchers, food pantry packs, the welfare fund or white goods)
- Employment and skills
- 161 people helped into work or better work
- 1,223 training courses or other outcomes achieved
- 45 people supported with business start-ups and self-employment
- 410 customers worked with us around employment support
- Community investment
- 253 community organisations supported
- 439 customers supported through digital inclusion activities
- 287 young people took part in youth social action through our SNG #iwill programme
- Funding
- Secured over £1.08m of external funding to enable our services and support to help even more customers.
How we’re performing
In July to September, we saw another small increase in overall customer satisfaction (63.4%) as well as satisfaction with our Contact Centre team and ease of getting in touch with us.
- Satisfaction also improved slightly with regard to our performance on complaints (31% for the year to date but 34% in September).
- We’ve continued to recruit more staff to improve the service and respond to more complaints in our target timescales (84% at stage 1 and 63% at stage 2).
- We know we still have more to do and recently published a specific annual report on complaints, including what we’re doing to improve.
- We also updated our complaints and compensation policies so they apply across all SNG homes.
- In quarter 2, our satisfaction score for repairs was 79% and our ‘close the loop’ work is also helping to flag any issues quickly so that they can be resolved.
- We also have specific action plans in some localities (such as doing less planned work for a while so we can carry out more urgent repairs if sickness means we’re low on people in certain key trades).
- Satisfaction around how easy it was to get a repair carried out was 7.2 out of 10 (where 1 is not at all easy and 10 is very easy).
- A new process is also making it easier for our Contact Centre team to rebook repairs appointments if customers need to rearrange these.
“Keith came to assess my skirting board that had blown from a leak. I mentioned I also had a broken window handle which he replaced there and then, saving time, money for the company, and any inconvenience to myself. It's workers like Keith who go the extra mile that make such a difference. Thank you, Keith!”
Other satisfaction results
Here are some other key performance figures for the year to September:
- How much customers trust SNG - 64.9% satisfaction
- How satisfied or dissatisfied customers are that SNG listens to their views and acts on them - 53.7% satisfaction
- How satisfied or dissatisfied customers are that SNG keeps them informed about things that matter to them – 72.6% satisfaction
- The perception of how we manage ASB for the year - from our surveys with a random sample of customers – was at 58% for the year to date.
- How satisfied or dissatisfied customers are with the way their recent anti-social behaviour case was handled - 70% for the year to date but 93% satisfaction in September
Our news
We publish news stories throughout the year. In quarter 2, we released 17 stories - you can read them on our News page on our SNG website .
The quarter at a glance
Over a busy three months this spring and early summer, we were focused on our core activities (including lots of locally-based improvements) as well as some new partnerships to better serve and deliver to customers.
Since the merger, we've also been working to combine our engagement offers and recently announced our new SNG framework. This includes new opportunities for customers to help improve our services and hold us to account as part of our Customer Influence Panel and Scrutiny Panel. Find out more and apply by 22 September.
New ways to pay making lives easier for customers
In June, we switched to PayPoint so we can offer customers the most reliable and convenient ways to pay us. The changes include new technology to show pending payments, an automated payment line which is cheaper to ring; and the ability for us to send customers a convenient payment link by text.
Another key benefit of the switch will be a vastly improved direct debit payment service later this year, allowing these to be set up and amended online, rather than via a paper form.
53-week rent year reminder for customers
In 2024/2025, there will be an extra week of rent to pay if you are on a weekly tenancy agreement or licence. This is because the days of the week fall so there are 53 Mondays in this financial year, instead of 52 (rent weeks always start on a Monday).
Working out if you're responsible for this extra payment and how much you need to pay depends on any benefits you receive, how you pay your rent and how often. But we've made it easier to find out what it means with instant personalised guidance.
Celebrating diversity
Our focus on equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) helps to drive our progress. We also recognise that we need a diverse workforce that reflects our region’s demographics to be successful.
Houseproud Pledge
We’ve recently committed to the Houseproud Pledge, a way for housing associations and local authorities to affirm their dedication to equality and assistance for LGBTQ+ customers.
For many of these customers, the concept of home is especially important as a safe place where they can openly express their sexual orientation and/or gender identity without fear.
Committing to this pledge demonstrates our strong dedication to fostering safe, comfortable, and inclusive homes and neighbourhoods for all.
Read more about the Houseproud Pledge here .
Equality Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) micro grants celebrate community equality and difference
For Pride month in June, we partnered with Oxfordshire charity, Didcot TRAIN. The charity set up its LGBTQIA+ Allyship group early in 2022, to address the lack of support for young LGBTQ+ individuals outside of Oxford city centre. Their weekly ‘SHOUT!’ sessions provide safe spaces for the community and allies to connect, learn, and support one another.
An SNG EDI micro grant enabled the group to visit the Queer Britain Museum - the first and only LGBTQIA+ museum in the UK. This was a fantastic opportunity for members to celebrate LGBTQ+ history and contributions, in addition to their usual weekly sessions.
#InBloom gardening competition
This summer we ran a competition for all SNG customers to celebrate their gardens and green spaces of all shapes, colours and sizes! Winners were announced on 3 September and you can find more information here.
Bringing communities together through volunteering
In May we launched SNG’s ‘Big Help Out’ fund - providing community groups in our communities with up to £300 to empower volunteering during the national ‘Big Help Out’ weekend.
Volunteering can promote connections between generations, bridge gaps in communities and harness the strengths of all age groups. Making a difference in your community can also boost wellbeing, enabling people with different experiences to meet and develop long lasting connections.
Our SNG ‘Big Help Out’ fund supported 25 groups and funded a wide range of initiatives that promoted volunteering: from litter picks/clean ups to community fun days and volunteer recognition events.
- In total, the funding benefited 3,918 people and engaged 461 in volunteering.
- 100% of the organisers also agreed that the support had ‘helped increase the awareness of our project or group locally’ and that the support has ‘positively impacted our wider community’.
You asked, we did!
Your experiences matter to us and we value your honest feedback and ideas to help us improve our services and better meet your needs. You can read more below about some recent local initiatives.
Picket Twenty Community Event in Andover
In June, we ran an Employment and Skills Community event for the Picket Twenty community. It was an opportunity for customers to get advice around employment, benefits, debts and tenancy support: some even came with a CV ready for review!
We look forward to building on the opportunities we identified and continuing to support the local community here.
Working together to better Bishops Green
Our team in North Hampshire analysed local Tenant Satisfaction Measure (TSM) data earlier this year, to see how else they could address customer concerns.
Bishops Green stood out for feedback about anti-social behaviour (ASB) issues, despite us not finding any historical reports of this in the area. That insight led to a door-knock survey, when we spoke with 23 residents who reported issues like name-calling, broken glass, speeding motorbikes, and an incident at the community centre.
In response, we partnered with the police, fire services, Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council and the local Community Association. Key action included:
- Community walkabouts with safety officers
- Partnering with Vivid housing association and Environmental Health to resolve unsafe land issues
- Co-funding a three-year community coordinator role for the community centre and acquiring funding for a wellbeing room there
These efforts also secured funding for two full-time youth workers and more activities in the area over the summer.
This is just one great example of the power of customer feedback in helping our communities thrive.
Spring Clean for Residents on the Isle of Wight!
As part of the ‘Living Together’ Programme led by the Community Investment and Partnership Team on the Isle of Wight, local teams there worked together to run six Community Spring Clean Days across SNG communities.
The days gave residents the chance to have a declutter and to help combat fly-tipping in these specific neighbourhoods. A flyer was also shared with advice on different low-cost ways that unwanted items could be collected in the future. The project was a massive success with residents saying they were very grateful and appreciated our support.
Building safety resident engagement events in Quay Point
As part of the recent Building Safety Act, we’ve developed a Building Safety Resident Engagement Strategy for all our buildings over 18m/7 storeys.
After consulting all residents of these blocks about the proposed strategy, our Building Safety and Compliance team have also started organising engagement events as an extra way to gather resident feedback on communication and safety issues at each site.
Our first event was held at Quay Point in Bristol in June, where the team discussed building and fire safety and evacuation procedures with residents, and addressed any other questions and concerns they had. About 30% of customers came along and we received really positive feedback. We hope these events will strengthen relationships, build trust, and help residents feel confident and safe in their homes.
“Lovely afternoon delivered from the Fire Safety Team at Quay Point. A really lovely team of people, delivering a great job to the residents”. - Resident attending Fire Safety Event.
Resident engagement leads to action on lift advice
Following on from a successful first event at Quay Point in Bristol, the Building Safety & Compliance team have been holding further engagement events for customers of our other taller buildings.
At a session at Nile Court in Poole, Dorset, one resident shared an experience where their family were stuck in a lift while they were outside. Despite following instructions, they hadn’t felt sure about what was happening.
This feedback has helped us to improve our guidance for such situations - making sure there are clear instructions for those outside, as well as inside, a lift. It’s a great example of how such sessions can help amplify the voice of customers and further improve their experiences.
You can view the revised lift checklist and guidance on our website.
Making a positive difference in communities
The Communities and Engagement team continue to work with customers to understand their communities’ needs and provide impactful additional services. It’s always wonderful to hear positive feedback from customers about how we’ve made a difference in their lives. Here are some April to June highlights.
Read a text-only version of the animation above: Making a positive difference for customers
The Art of Giving
In our Housing for Older People schemes, residents shared memories through motivational talks, connecting with peers, family, and friends.
Jane Fletcher, Organiser: “Our older community has so much to share, and it’s been a joy to watch them reminisce, laugh, and bring generations together.”
Tony Clem, Gilbert Court: “It was surprisingly interesting! I’d love more meetings like this and look forward to the reminiscing quiz next time!”
Youth Club on Wheels
SNG helped raise £19k to support Young Bristol’s mobile youth service, engaging young people in hard-to-reach areas.
Shea Stew, Youth Lead: “We’ve had great engagement – cooking sessions and talking to young people have been highlights. Being able to chat about how things are going in their lives has been great and gives them another trusted adult they can turn to.”
Proud achievements: 32 residents benefited, with 8 reporting reduced ASB, 12 feeling more confident, and 6 doing more exercise – contributing £155,656 in social impact.
World Party Day
SNG partnered with Basingstoke Multicultural Forum for a vibrant community event celebrating different cultures.
Mayor of Basingstoke: “A fantastic and vibrant show that made our borough proud. I was so impressed by everything, including the cultures represented and the reception I was given.”
SNG Community Investment and Partnership Lead: “It’s been amazing to support an event that brings communities from different background together – it was all brilliant!”
The Talk Shop, Plymouth
In Devon’s North Stonehouse, we extended funding to Cliik’s Talk Shop, creating a welcoming space for locals to connect.
From April-June 2024, it engaged 90 residents, boosted confidence for 24 adults, and delivered £843,694 in social impact.
How we’re performing
Customer services
In quarter 1, we:
- Answered phone calls in an average of 1 min 41 secs (vs 2 min target)
- Answered emails in an average of 23 hrs 0 mins (vs 48 hrs target)
- Responded to 82% of social media messages within 1 hour (vs 80% in 1 hour target)
We carry out regular surveys with customers, after they’ve experienced a particular service and through wider ‘perception’ type surveys. Overall customer satisfaction was at 64% for the end of June and customer trust was 67% compared. In our post-call customer surveys, we received an average rating of 4 out of 5 from customers.
We now have a new process to follow up with customers about their feedback and hope this will give us even greater insight to help improve services and provide customers with a better experience.
‘Ease of repair’ satisfaction improved slightly to 7.7 out of 10 – including 55% of customers now rating this service as 9 or 10 out of 10. We are continuing to focus on catching up with outstanding repairs and on completing repairs in a timely way as we know this is the most frustrating thing for affected customers.
Dealing with complaints also remains a top priority and an area where we know we need to do more with only 51% of these responded to within our set timescales in quarter 1.
Our centralised complaints team is beginning to have an impact, taking more proactive and effective action to resolve complaints at the earliest opportunity (and giving customers a single point of contact). This led to a 15% improvement in resolving complaints at stage 1. Our property teams also continue to focus on closing longer-standing cases.
Between April and June 2024, we saw some great results:
Debt advice
- SNG helped customers to reduce or clear £9,038.70 of arrears over the three-month period
- The service also generated £50,294,328 in social value during quarter 1
Financial inclusion
- The service helped save an average of £5,823.71 for each customer
- We supported 1,192 cases of financial inclusion intervention (such as through fuel/heating vouchers, food pantry packs, the welfare fund or white goods.)
Employment and skills
- 53 people were helped into work or better work
- 619 training outcomes were achieved
- 28 people were supported with business start-ups and self-employment
Community investment
- 160 community organisations supported
- Supported 6 ageing well programmes and initiatives
- 182 young people took part in youth social action through our SNG #iwill programme
- Contributed to 4 environment and place programmes and initiatives
- Supported 196 young people with their education, wellbeing, employment and financial resilience through the Blagrave Trust
- In addition, we launched four community grants programmes: our SNG Big Help Out
, Thriving Communities Fund
, SNG #iwill Fund
, and the Move on and Thrive Fund.
- We also secured £414,921,32 of external funding to enable our services and support to help more customers.
Here’s what one customer recently said about their experience of the employment and skills service:
“I have seen an extremely significant impact on my mental health, confidence and general wellbeing since we were connected. Not just in an employment or education aspect but in other key areas of my development as a person. I have gained more clarity in what direction my life is going, and with that, I have seen improvements in all areas of my life.
Having SNG’s employment and skills in work team in my corner has given me the tools I need to find success in my future.”
As well as the sorts of local action described in the ‘You asked, we did!’ section, we’ve continued to develop key partnerships in each of our ten locality areas. These delivered a wide-ranging programme of successful community investment and engagement to support over 9,500 customers. Here are some April to June highlights.
School holiday activities
We collaborated with local organisations to provide activities and food programmes for families and young people, promoting health, well-being, and reducing social isolation over the Easter holidays.
For example, over 40 children in Hungerford enjoyed creating great memories through a range of Easter activities at a local community centre, outdoor spaces, farm and cinema. They shared their excitement, saying things like “I feel like I’m taking an active part in my community”, “Spending time with family and friends”, and “The youth club makes me feel happy”.
You can also find more information about our summer holiday activities here.
Safer Streets (Newbury) and Safer Somerford (Christchurch)
In both these areas we’ve supported community-led initiatives to reduce ASB and improve safety through local partnership working, CCTV, youth outreach and community clean-ups.
Move On and Thrive grants programmes
The latest round of funding was launched for two related youth empowerment funds on the Isle of Wight. These offer grants of up to £10k for organisations, as well as individual grants for young people facing financial hardship. The focus is on five key areas: transport costs, health and wellbeing, personal development, digital inclusion, and moving into a new home. Find out about Move on and Thrive here.
Sustaining tenancies
Anti-social behaviour
Anti-social behaviour (ASB) significantly impacts people’s lives, making it a key focus for us. In April we saw 77 new cases, 70 in May and 76 in June. We report on these, and on customer satisfaction with our handling of ASB cases, to our regulator and are always striving to improve.
We’ve been working hard on our approach to ASB and have made a strong start this year. Customer satisfaction scores from surveys at the closure of an ASB case, and from surveys of random samples of customers, are on or above target.
We’ve seen a slight decrease in safeguarding concerns compared to last year (76 new cases in April, 57 in May and 43 in June). However, the number of people experiencing a mental health crisis remains high - due in part to the cost-of-living crisis. Our teams are working hard to provide advice, refer people to support services, and offer grants to help mitigate these pressures.
Please remember, you can always access our fully funded 24-hour mental health text support service ‘Not Alone’ - provided by our mental health partner: Shout. To use this service simply text ‘NOTALONE’ to 85258.
Domestic Abuse
We’ve seen a significant increase in domestic abuse cases compared to last year with 34 new cases in April, 32 in May and 33 in June. We’re working hard to ensure all victims and survivors get the support they need.
This rise is partly due to national trends and the cost-of-living crisis, as well as our efforts to raise awareness of the service and develop it over the last nine months.
We’ve added extensive information to our domestic abuse webpage, including support resources for both victims and perpetrators. (Please note, clicking the link can appear in your browser history. Women’s Aid offers advice on how to cover your tracks online.)
Lettings and mutual exchange
- In quarter 1, we completed 729 lettings, of which 544 were re-lets to existing homes
- We also completed 185 lets on new-build homes
- We received 769 applications for Swaptracker
- The average time to process a mutual exchange was at 68 days, down from 77 in the last quarter
- We also completed 185 mutual exchanges during the three months
Customer accounts and tenancy support
- In quarter 1 our Customer Income Advisors took 700 referrals
- They also closed 725 cases, with 608 (84%) of these customers engaging with the service and working with us to maximise their income and improve their financial resilience
- The team assisted 316 customers to maximise their benefits, 176 customers with changes of circumstance, 106 with their Universal Credit claims, 104 with money management, 81 with budgeting advice and 80 with their rent arrears
- 24 customers applied for discretionary housing payments, of which 20 were successful in receiving these
- The advisors also referred 105 customers to our in-house debt advice team, ensuring they received expert debt advice and could explore viable options for their situation
- The team also referred 140 customers to our Employment and Skills team, which offers a personalised service of guidance, support, and practical help to access training or work.
Property services and repairs
Our 'Maintain and improve my home' project has delivered a range of benefits for customers. These include new video repairs inspections (to make sure we can send the right person with the right skills) and extra SMS reminders about appointments - to reduce the risk of customers not being in for their repair.
Behind the scenes, we've worked to improve which core materials different trades stock in their vans. We also launched a new contractor portal and framework, so we can give customers real-time information on repairs done by our subcontractors. And we're working with our teams to find out, from the 'bottom up', what other improvements we can make to our service.
In April to June we completed over 52,000 responsive repairs (including emergency and out of hours jobs). Customer satisfaction with these increased to 86.6% and dissatisfaction dropped to 13.4%. In addition, we:
- completed work on 553 empty homes
- replaced 204 kitchens, 165 bathrooms and 108 roofs
- fitted new windows to 121 homes
We're responsible for safety checks at nearly 41,000 homes and non-domestic buildings with a gas supply or appliances. Only two homes were non-compliant in quarter 1.
As well as all these safety checks and repairs, we also installed:
- 210 replacement boilers through our planned programme
- 302 new boilers following a responsive repair issue
- 6 Air Source Heat Pump systems - in addition to our wider ‘retrofit’ improvement programme
In quarter 1, we raised over 9,000 electrical repairs and electrically tested over 3,500 homes to make sure they were safe. We also:
- completely rewired 122 homes
- upgraded 1,600 electrical distribution boards
- renewed main fuseboards in 398 homes
- completed modernising of 2 passenger lifts
We installed modern electrical storage heating systems to 43 more homes - including a project, led by Dimplex and British Gas, to give these customers the option of cheaper electricity via a competitive overnight tariff and fitting of a free gateway (connected to the heating) that works with a smart meter to allow British Gas to charge the heating system as part of a wider UK network energy storage initiative.
A large programme of communal electrical works is also underway and we work closely with customers when communal power supplies need to be temporarily suspended for some of the work to take place. A recent example is at York House, a housing scheme for older people in Calcot near Reading.
It was a very busy last quarter of the financial year, with an enormous amount of work achieved by working with customers and listening to their feedback.
Customer engagement survey results
In March, we asked customers to give us their views on how they wanted to get involved in shaping, influencing, scrutinising and giving us feedback on our services and key decisions that impact customers.
We were delighted to receive 5,291 responses and are now using this feedback to develop our customer engagement model with tenant engagement experts, TPAS.
We also completed six workshops with colleagues, current panel members and residents, with a total of 72 attending altogether. These were very productive sessions, with great conversations.
We also sent an email to 1,438 residents who said they wanted to be involved via email and are working on getting letters, text and phone calls out to those who preferred these methods of contact. We are also looking at comments from customers regarding queries and breaking down issues they are raising in more detail to then develop engagement activities or escalations to teams to remedy these.
Next steps
On 10 April, TPAS presented final feedback to all those involved in the workshops, including colleagues and customers.
We will be presenting the final Engagement Model to final feedback group 16 May, then presenting it to Executive Board on 20 May.
We will be finalising the Engagement Framework by 6 June and sending more information to customers on the new model, with details of how it will work, once it has been approved.
New self-service makes life easier for customers
We’ve launched View My Documents on MySovereign, so that customers can download their rent letters and service charge statements. Before this, customers had to email or call us if they wanted a copy.
Available 24/7, this is just one way we’re creating an effortless customer experience with self-service solutions.
Feedback from customers about using MySovereign to manage their tenancy has been positive, with customers commenting “it’s easily accessible” and “convenient to use”.
Getting new neighbourhoods off to a great start
We saw some great joint working between our Bristol teams when they helped new customers moving into our brand-new flats at the Carriageworks development.
The block has several complex features like Modulair Heat Pumps that customers may not have experienced before, so we felt it was important to tie their viewings in with a workshop nearby.
Customers got to know their new neighbours ahead of their move and to meet our officers. We also talked through their aspirations, move in arrangements, all of the additional SNG services they can access and their responsibilities as customers.
One customer said: “Today's been really, really good. It's nice to come into somewhere and meet people. Some people can be socially awkward, you can think ‘should I approach that person?’
“So it's nice to get to know people, see what's going to happen in the community, listen to everybody's ideas, but I just think that this is an absolutely brilliant workshop, so well done to you lot."
We hope this personalised approach for new neighbourhoods will help create thriving communities over generations.
Steps to tenancy success programme changes lives
There are times when we can’t offer someone a tenancy, even if they’ve successfully bid on a property. This is normally due to affordability or because we think they may not be able to manage a tenancy yet.
To help those we have to say no to, we offer them the opportunity to join our pre-tenancy programme: Steps to tenancy success, run by social enterprise Your Own Place (YOP).
Since we started working with YOP, we’ve referred 26 people of all ages and backgrounds who couldn’t take up the tenancy when we did our checks.
- 7 of them took part in YOP’s online programme of support
- 14 engaged with phone calls, texts and via Whatsapp - discussing their current situation and what steps they’re taking, with signposting if relevant
- 2 people have since moved into social housing
Watch how YOP changed Amy’s life:
Read a text-only version of the animation above
Mum of two Amy applied for an SNG home but was unsuccessful because of affordability and rent arrears issues. Determined to improve her financial situation, she was referred to our pre-tenancy programme partner =- Your Own Place (YOP)
After completing the YOP course, Amy said: “I feel ready to start a new era that I’ve been waiting for for so long... being able to do this course has given me hope ”
They worked with her one-to-one via Zoom and focused on courses around budgeting and debt management.
She was able to use her new skills to pay down much of her rent arrears and debt, and let the housing team know. When further bids on properties were unsuccessful, YOP helped her find ways to manage. Then she found a home, passing the affordability checks. She is now looking forward to living in a safe and secure home.
If you think Your Own Place can help you, and want to learn more, get in touch now at
Energy programme success
We partnered with Citizens Advice to run our free Energy Outreach Programme.
This provided customers with impartial advice on how to improve energy efficiency, save money and access the very best energy deals. We also ran a series of energy advice webinars in partnership with Testlands Wellbeing Hub.
By the end of the programme, we had completed 409 individual household assessments, which led to us delivering:
- 310 household focused energy packs
- 163 warm packs
- 85 referrals for ongoing support from either our Customer Income Advice (CIA), Debt Advice or Employment Support services
- 101 referrals to the Pocket Power switching service
We also had some great feedback from customers we helped:
Customer 1
“I just cannot believe this support is available – I recently become a single parent and work full time but still cannot pay my bills. This call could not have come at a better time! The information and items you are able to provide will really make a difference to me and my son.”
Customer 2
“Thank-you! It has been really tough….. I have no income, haven’t heated my home in 2 years due to the cost of my storage heaters and am unable to find work. This call has been so incredibly useful and I am now looking forward to accessing help to clear my other debts and find work that can help me.”
Customer 3
"My daughter isn't well, I care for her and my money doesn't last, everything is a struggle. I can't believe there is so much I can do to try save money, thank you. The air fryer will mean I am able to cook hot meals again, I look forward to hearing from your CIA team to see what I can do to increase my income."
If you’re struggling with costs, please visit our Cost of living support webpage for details on what support is available.
Mutual exchange changes make a massive difference
In February, we launched our new digital mutual exchange process through HomeSwapper. Before this, all applications were done manually and customers had to call or email us to check on the status of their exchange.
Now they can manage their whole exchange online and get live status updates any time of day or night, seven days a week. We make decisions on whether an exchange can go ahead within the statutory 42 days and since launch, the average time to complete an exchange has nearly halved, from 114 days last October to 77 days in March.
Working locally
Our teams work hard to provide good services, so it’s always lovely to hear positive feedback from customers about how they’ve made a difference to their lives.
Read a text-only version of the animation above: How our teams are making a difference
Our carpenters are a credit
“I have never come across such lovely operatives - they were nothing but professional, tidy, knowledgeable, polite and respectful. They were an absolute pleasure to meet and deal with.”
Debt advice changes lives
“The help I received was exceptional, I was made aware of things that I had no idea existed, and if it wasn't for the help from your Jon [Debt Advisor,] I would still be struggling, or worse still, homeless. We are now looking forward to a brighter future and hopefully will never be in that place again.”
Apprenticeships matter
“The operative teaching the apprentice was wonderful and encouraging. The apprentice was clearly excited about the work and they very clearly worked very well together and to a very high standard.”
Life-changing benefits support
“I cannot thank you enough, I’m due to pay every single penny of my rent arrears. It’s [because of] your guys’ hard work, patience, and resilience with me as a person and also all the hard work with the [PIP] paperwork. Thank you so much.”
How we’re performing
Customer service
In quarter 4, we:
- answered phone calls in an average of 1 min 52 secs (2 min target)
- answered emails in an average of 25 hrs 41 mins (vs 48 hrs target)
- responded to social media messages in 49 mins 45 secs on average (vs 1 hr target)
- responded to webchat in 42 secs (no target as it’s a new channel).
In our post-call customer surveys, we received an average of 4.1 out of 5 from customers vs our target of a minimum 4 out of 5.
- In quarter 4, our Complaints Specialists continued to work hard to provide quality responses in a timely manner, with a view of reaching the right outcome for our customers.
- 1,531 complaints were received and 58% of cases were responded to within 10 working days.
Although we continue to focus on the quality of our responses, and ensuring we resolve our customers’ complaints effectively and efficiently, our performance is not where we, or our customers, want it to be. We are seeing an improvement, and this will be enhanced with the recruitment of a number of new roles, that will be put in place during the spring.
We have also, appointed a Board Member to be our Complaints Champion, and they will ensure we report and challenge our complaints performance on a regular basis, and that complaints are being managed, change is happening and that customers are being heard through the complaints process.
Between January and March 2024, we saw these great results.
Community investment
- 31 community organisations supported
- 463 young people took part in youth social action through our SNG #iwill programme
- Invested in 14 'environment and place' programmes and initiatives
- Supported 10 ageing well programmes and initiatives
- Contributed to 8 health and wellbeing programmes and initiatives
- Invested in 25 social inclusion/isolation reduction programmes and initiatives
We also launched three community grants programmes: our Commercial Support Fund , EDI community microgrants
and Black History Month (BHM) 365 Fund
Debt advice
- In the financial year 2023-2024, we helped customers reduce or clear £27,332.44 of arrears
- The service also generated £1,734,444 in social value
Employment and skills
- 97 people were helped into work or better work
- 237 training outcomes were achieved
- 10 people were supported with business start-up and self-employment
Financial inclusion
- We helped save customers £73,424.78
- We supported 1,814 cases of fuel poverty
- We secured £1,037,081.96 of external funding
We have seen some great results from our teams working closely with customers to understand what they want us to focus on in their communities.
In Greenham, our Localities teams worked alongside the Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service, Newbury Neighbourhood Police team, Berkshire Youth and West Berkshire Council to offer the community:
- free half-term activities
- safety advice
- free skip use
- repairs advice
- housing, budgeting, benefits and training support
The community was pleased with the help provided - a lot of information and support was given, skips were filled, fly-tipping and litter were shifted, and gardens and communal areas cut back.
Tenancy sustainment
In quarter 4, we saw:
- January – 81 active cases
- February – 76 active cases
- March – 100 active cases
ASB is an emotive topic and has a big impact on people’s lives. It’s therefore a key focus for us. We report internally and externally to our regulator on numbers of cases and how our customers feel about how we manage issues. We also report on Hate Crime. We are always looking to improve in this space.
We recently got together the teams responsible for managing ASB cases and shared some of the challenges.
We also looked at the key actions that both our customers and industry experts tell us drive good customer satisfaction. We’ve mapped all of our ASB incidents on to our Electronic Mapping System and have new management information on cases per 1,000 homes in our various localities, which will help us identify hot spots and take action to address things proactively.
- January – 107 cases
- February – 81 cases
- March – 73 cases
We’ve seen a real increase in Safeguarding concerns coming in to and from our teams in the last year. We’ve also seen a sharp increase in people experiencing a mental health crisis. We believe much of this is linked to the increased pressures in the community due to the cost-of-living crisis. Our teams are working hard to advise and signpost people to support available as well as referring them to the range of grants and supportive offers SNG has to mitigate some of the worst of the cost-of-living crisis.
Please remember our fully funded 24 hour mental health text support service ‘Not Alone’ provided by our mental health partner ‘Shout’. To use this service simply text ‘NOTALONE’ to 85258.
Domestic abuse
In the financial year 2023/4, we had 261 reports of domestic abuse.
We have been adding lots of information to our domestic abuse webpage, including additional places you can get support if you are a victim or a perpetrator.
(Please note, clicking the link below can show in your browser history. Women’s Aid has advice on how to cover your tracks online .)
Lettings and mutual exchange
- In quarter 4 we completed 705 lettings, of which 502 were re-lets to existing homes and 203 were lets on new build homes.
- We also completed 131 mutual exchanges.
Customer accounts and tenancy support
- In quarter 4 our Customer Income Advisors took 773 referrals.
- They also closed 725 cases, with 580 (80%) of these customers engaging with the service and working with us to maximise their income and improve their financial resilience.
- They assisted 496 customers with their Universal Credit (UC) claims, representing 27% of all UC-related support provided in 2023/24.
- And they referred 80 customers to our money partners - ensuring they received expert debt advice and could explore viable options.
Property services and repairs
Preparations and training last summer and autumn increased our resources and gave us more capability to meet the extra demand for repairs over the winter. In January to March, we completed over 64,000 responsive repairs and customer satisfaction with these increased to 85%.
We know it’s also vital to deal effectively with reports of condensation, damp and mould. We continued to focus on this, improving how we identify the extent of any problems – such as by enabling customers to upload photos and introducing video calls so we can make initial assessments more quickly. Our website and leaflets also include extra sources of support and tips to avoid condensation, damp and mould.
In addition, we:
- completed work on 586 empty homes
- replaced 232 kitchens, 227 bathrooms and 126 roofs
- fitted new windows to 304 homes
- replaced 1,065 front and back doors, flat entrance fire doors and garage doors
In quarter 4, we installed:
- 403 planned boilers through our planned programme
- 359 new boilers following a responsive repair issue
- 13 Air Source Heat Pump systems
For the financial year 2023/24, we were 100% compliant for domestic and commercial properties with gas. We also negotiated savings of £500k with our boiler supplier: money we can plough back into other activity.
In total, we installed:
- 1,253 responsive boilers
- 1,396 planned boilers
- 34 Air Source Heat Pumps
In quarter 4, we completed the modernisation of 5 passenger lifts and, over the financial year 2023/24, we:
- installed 154 new modern efficient electrical heating installs (responsive only)
- upgraded 1,600 electrical distribution boards
- completed 122 full property rewires
Did you know?
We now include arc fault detection devices (AFDD) into our new fuse boards and have done for some years. These aren’t mandatory unless buildings are over 18 metres tall, but we choose to provide them for all new fuse boards as they can detect a fire risk from a faulty appliance and switch off the power. This is in addition to the normal tripping feature if an appliance is faulty.
We were Highly Commended for this approach in the ‘safety and compliance initiative of the year’ category of awards run by the Association of Safety Compliance Professionals (ASCP).
It was a busy three months, with lots of holidays and celebrations mixed in with some difficult global and local events.
However, within our communities, there have been many things worth celebrating, including our merger on 1 October 2023, with Network Homes.
We are now called SNG (Sovereign Network Group) and work across the South and South West of England, London and Hertfordshire.
Our CEO Mark Washer said: “This is an important moment for SNG, but we are now absolutely focussed on delivering the benefits for our customers, and future customers. Our combined strength gives us the opportunity to remain ambitious in our plans to create more homes, and more sustainable homes that people can love living in over many generations. This commitment to our environment and enabling wider social success within our communities is built into SNG from the very start.”
You can still contact us the same way as you normally do for any questions around your tenancy, repairs and services.
Giving you the best experience
As a result of customer feedback, we made some significant changes so that we can provide a far quicker service for those who need simple aids or adaptations to their home – our target is now to respond within 20 days.
We’re also making various changes to our repairs service following the results of a major resident-led scrutiny into the damp and mould service plus a further piece of research with customers into their experience of repairs.
In Q3 we started using video visits to gather more information quickly after a report of a serious damp and mould issue; sharing extra information by SMS about preparing for appointments; and making it easier to access our support services by giving our trades information they can share with customers - and then a way to ask our teams to get in touch if you would like our help. And we added lots more content, suggested by customers, to our tips on avoiding condensation, damp and mould and winter tips, advice and support pages.
Great news for our customers
In December, two new SNG customers, one who had left a difficult relationship, and another who had been living in shared housing for years, were finally able to say they had a home of their own. Watch the video below to hear what difference it’s made to them.
We launched our mental health text messaging service with our partner, Shout, who can provide SNG customers with free, confidential mental health support, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Find out how the service works and how you can access it if you need it.
We’re also now working in partnership with the homeless charity Shelter to prevent avoidable evictions and to support customers to re-engage with us as their housing provider.
And we’ve expanded our digital inclusion offer, which now includes free training from Barclays Digital Wings and free sim cards.
In our communities
Alongside Clarion, Brighter Places, and Abri Housing, we helped fund The Youth Club on Wheels, a new mobile youth service, which works with young people in hard-to-reach areas of Bristol and rural areas where there are currently little to no services for young people to interact, engage and enhance their skills.
We also supported a resident-led winter market offering free surplus food at Rectory Park, Northolt, in West London (this is one of the new areas we work in). We teamed up with charity The Felix Project to supply the food to residents at the estate’s community centre.
And we distributed 126 microgrants to organisations within our communities to raise awareness of, and support, improved mental health and wellbeing. Watch the video below to see some of our Q3 highlights.
Our Q3 highlights
- We gave 652 customer keys to their new home
- Answered calls in less than a minute on average
- Supported 520 customers through our Financial Inclusion service
- Replaced 700 boilers
- We supported 375 customers with Universal Credit claims
- We helped 10 people with business self employment
- We helped 1,344 in fuel poverty
- Supported 143 community organisations
Working locally
Our teams work hard to provide good services, so it’s always lovely to hear positive feedback from customers about how they’ve made a difference to their lives. Watch the video below to find out more.
Employment and skills make a difference
“Thank you a trillion for rewording and fixing my supporting statement. I truly appreciate your hard work and support and I'm applying for the position right away.”
Life-changing support
Our Customer Income Advisors helped one customer appeal an unsuccessful application for Disability Living Allowance (DLA). They attended the tribunal together and the customer was awarded £68.10 DLA a week, with £4,300 backdated.
Fantastic customer feedback
“I've had a new kitchen and bathroom and wanted to say how amazing it looks. The men on the job are a credit to you, always so polite and cheerful.”
We listen
After feedback from our customers, our Dorset Localities team built two new parking spaces at a housing for older people scheme, making an instant difference.
More fantastic customer feedback
To the Service Charges team and Wiltshire Locality Manager
“[I wanted to] express my sincere thanks to the Service Charge Team & Ian. Not only were they helpful, but also really kind & professional too, they have really gone above & beyond to help us.”
To our Devon trades team
“The Two Johns arrived at 8am yesterday and DID NOT STOP. What they managed in one day is just exceptional and outstanding.
“Thanks also to Ricky for making this happen!! Please let them all know and the whole of the company too. Very happy to live in a Sovereign home.”
To our Customer Specialist Claire
“She didn’t cut me off when I explained what I had gone through. Didn’t judge or change her tone of voice. She's a complete asset and went above and beyond and I wanted to make you aware of her hard work and dedication."
To our Greenham Trades team
"I just wanted to say a big thank you to the gentleman (Caz) that came to my house to treat the damp. He was extremely helpful, he was very tidy, polite and went above and beyond to help myself and my neighbour with some issues we have had of late.”
How we're performing
Customer service
In quarter 3, our Customer Service team continued to improve how quickly they respond when you get in touch via all our different channels.
- Answering phone calls: 48 seconds vs 2 minute target
- Answering emails: 22h 20 mins vs 48 hours target
- Responding to social media messages: 1 hour 5 minutes vs 1 hour target
- Responding to webchat: 42 seconds (no target as it’s a new channel)
In our post-call customer surveys we also received an average of 4.15 out of 5 from customers vs our target of a minimum 4 out of 5.
Between October and December 2023:
Community investment
- 143 community organisations supported
- 441 young people took part in youth social action through our SNG #iWill programme
- 2,409 community members engaged with our services and initiatives
- 5 'environment and place' programmes and initiatives
- 4 ageing well programmes and initiatives
- 2 new neighbourhoods initiatives
- 135 health and wellbeing programmes and initiatives
- 3 social inclusion/isolation reduction programmes and initiatives
- £372,587.64 external funding secured
Employment and Skills
- 71 people helped into work or better work
- £1,384,150 Social Value generated by our Employment and Skills team
- 217 training outcomes achieved
- 10 people with business start up and self employment
Other highlights:
We received 76 applications to our SNG #iWill 2.0 programme during quarter 3, a phenomenal amount of interest. We awarded 16 grants to youth organisations based within our communities to support the development of young wellbeing champions to support young residents.
We supported a series of events on 27 October as part of World Clean-up Day. We provided funding for 13 groups who supported 98 volunteers to give 79.5 hours of their time to contribute to helping keep their community free of litter and waste. Thank you all!
Between quarter 1 and quarter 3:
- We’ve had 774 anti-social behaviour cases reported to us.
- We’ve had 694 safeguarding cases report, which is a significant increase on the same time last year. This has likely been impacted by the cost-of-living crisis.
- We have also seen an increase in domestic abuse cases, with 142 reported.
Lettings and mutual exchange
Between October and December 2023:
- We let 652 homes
- 451 were re-lets to existing homes and 201 were first lets in new build homes
- We completed 80 mutual exchanges
Customer accounts and tenancy support
Between October and December 2023:
- Our Customer Income Advisors took 551 referrals.
- They also closed 627 cases, with 520 (82.93%) engaging with the service and working with us to maximise their income and improve their financial resilience.
- We supported 375 customers with their Universal Credit claims.
- We referred 47 customers to local money partners to support them with debt advice and explore their options.
Merger with Network Homes
We’re now known as SNG (Sovereign Network Group), having merged with Network Homes on 1 October 2023.
The merger doesn’t affect your right to live in your home and you have the same lease or tenancy agreement. Initially you’ll notice little difference: you’ll still be dealing with the same teams as you do now and contact us in the same way to access services, make a payment or request a repair.
Longer-term, merging will let us do more for all our customers. As one organisation we can invest more into existing homes, services, local communities and building more homes.
Working locally
Our Locality Officers have received extra training to make sure they have the skills and knowledge to do the best in their roles. The teams spend lots of time in our communities and they’ve been inviting some customers to locality consultations, so we can get people's views on opportunities and issues within their area.
In Wantage, we invited customers to give their thoughts on a proposed play park on the local green. Similarly, in Southampton, we asked households to get involved in creating an action plan of improvements for local outside spaces.
And we’re pleased to see that customer satisfaction has increased this quarter around our ‘Positive contribution to neighbourhoods’ Tenant Satisfaction Measure (TSM).
How our teams are making a difference
Employment and skills make a difference
“Thank you a trillion for rewording and fixing my supporting statement. I truly appreciate your hard work and support and I'm applying for the position right away.”
Life-changing support
Our Customer Income Advisors helped one customer appeal an unsuccessful application for Disability Living Allowance (DLA). They attended the tribunal together and the customer was awarded £68.10 DLA a week, with £4,300 backdated.
Fantastic customer feedback
“I've had a new kitchen and bathroom and wanted to say how amazing it looks. The men on the job are a credit to you, always so polite and cheerful.”
We listen
After feedback from our customers, our Dorset Localities team built two new parking spaces at a housing for older people scheme, making an instant difference.
Our Q2 highlights
- Gave 722 customers keys to their new home
- Answered customer calls within 28 seconds on average
- Saved customers £157k through our Financial Inclusion service
- Supported 492 customers with Universal Credit claims
- Fitted 186 new kitchens and 139 new bathrooms
- Replaced 599 boilers
- Helped 71 people in fuel poverty
- Supported 53 community organisations
Other key activities this quarter
- We were Highly Commended in the 'Safety and compliance initiative of the year' award by the Association of Safety Compliance Professionals (ASCP).
- We had nearly 1,700 engagements from young people who have directly taken part in our Sovereign #iwill Fund youth social action projects. We have also just launched our latest #iwill grants programme.
- Thanks to negotiations with our boiler suppliers, we’ve saved £260k since the beginning of the year. These savings mean we can upgrade more boilers sooner than planned, benefitting an extra 70 homes.
- We distributed £8,255 of funding to support local organisations to deliver summer activities and food programmes for families, children and young people. This programme really helped to relieve some of the pressure points that families faced during the summer.
- We gave 13 projects a grant of £500 each to support a range of environmental projects. This included recycling programmes, litter picking and “swap” sessions for unwanted goods.
How we’re performing
Customer engagement
Members of our Resident and Board Partnership and Scrutiny Coordination Group had an amazing day at the TPAS National Tenant Conference 2023.
They were ensuring customers’ voices are heard, discussing how best landlords should engage with customers and offer the best services possible for all.
Our Scrutiny Coordination Group has finalised its damp and mould scrutiny report. The group found a number of areas that we do really well in. This includes our financial inclusion support, the advice sent out to residents on how to deal with damp and mould, and the ease of reporting issues.
They also made a number of recommendations for improvements, many of which will be implemented over the coming months, and will improve services for all customers who are reporting damp and mould.
They have just begun the start of their next scrutiny which will look at we temporarily re-home customers in the case of an emergency.
Customer service
In quarter two, our Customer Service team continued to improve how quickly they respond when you get in touch via all our different channels.
- Answering phone calls: 28 seconds vs 2 minute target
- Answering emails: 17hrs 34 mins vs 48 hours target
- Responding to social media messages: 48 minutes vs 1 hour target
- Responding to webchat: 15 seconds (no target as it’s a new channel)
In our post-call customer surveys we also received an average of 4.21 out of 5 from customers vs our target of a minimum 4 out of 5.
Within Communities, we focus on these five key areas: community investment, employment and skills, digital and financial inclusion, social value and funding and partnerships.
Here are some key highlights from quarter two:
- Helping 94 people into work or better work
- Supporting 22 customers with business start ups and self-employment
- Saving customers over £157k through our Financial Inclusion service
- Helping 71 people in fuel poverty
- Supporting 53 community organisations
- Engaging with 8,500 people within our communities
- Running seven ageing well programmes and eight health and wellbeing initiatives
- Securing over £320k in external funding
- We are working towards rating all of our neighbourhoods (over 10,000). These ratings will help us decide how frequently our teams should visit them.
- We investigate suspected tenancy fraud. This year, we have handled 256 cases, with subletting being the highest category.
- We have handled 5,753 anti-social behaviour cases since the start of the year, with noise being the most reported category (circa 1,900 cases).
- This year, we’ve worked on 226 domestic abuse cases, with our response time being 99.6% in line with our service level agreement.
- 648 safeguarding cases have been created in the last 12 months, with 623 closed. 532 cases have related to adult safeguarding concerns and 116 to children.
Lettings and development
Between July and September 2023:
- We completed 342 homes, 306 of which were affordable.
- 130 Shared Ownership homes were sold, with an average equity of 42%.
- We completed 518 re-lets and 204 new lets.
- We completed 190 mutual exchanges.
Tenancy support
Between July and September 2023:
- Our Tenancy Support Advisors took 643 referrals.
- They also closed 597 cases, with 481 (80.57%) engaging with the service and working with us to maximise their income and improve their financial resilience.
- We supported 492 customers with their Universal Credit claims.
- We referred 49 customers to local money partners to support them with debt advice and explore their options.
Maintaining our homes and neighbourhoods
Between July and September 2023:
- 52,000 responsive repairs were raised with 13,000 of these being emergency repairs.
- We replaced 599 boilers.
- We installed 186 new kitchens and 139 new bathrooms.
- 188 homes had new windows, 323 had new doors and 150 homes had new roofs.
- We fully rewired 34 properties.
- We completed 26 low carbon electric full heating upgrades.
- We upgraded 170 fuseboards.
Turning things around
Despite our best efforts, we know we don't always get things right. But, when things go wrong we do everything we can to regain trust and do the right thing for our customers.
We received this feedback from a customer, complimenting one our Property Customer Specialists:
"I was totally overwhelmed by the customer service I received to deal with my problem. Nothing was too much trouble for this lady helping me, she certainly went above and beyond to deal with my issues and definitely went the extra mile to make sure everything was sorted. I have never received such an excellent customer service before and I am truly grateful.”
In April, we started working in a more localised way, with our people and services centred around our neighbourhoods and communities.
Our housing and property specialists are now part of ‘locality’ teams, with each team focusing on specific locations across our geography. Accountable for helping us create places people are proud to live in, our teams deliver for our customers, their homes and communities.
This localised approach means we have a more visible presence and are able to proactively engage with customers and partners in person. Every week, teams meet to look through their priorities and to discuss any concerns, so they can establish the best ways to serve our customers.
A strong example of the benefits of working in localities came up in May - our Isle of Wight localities team jumped into action when a cooker fire broke out in a customer’s flat. Thankfully our customer wasn’t hurt but we worked closely with them and external partners to make sure they received the right support.
In less than an hour of the fire being reported, our Fire Safety and Compliance team attended, an electrician checked and made safe all the electrics and fire alarm, we notified the customer’s next of kin and raised a safeguarding alert to the local authority.
Our localities model meant we were able to respond quickly, working together in a close-knit team to make fast decisions.
Proposed merger
We’ve been busy consulting with customers about our proposed merger with Network Homes.
By the end of June, over 5,000 of you had responded with your views. The consultation period is now closed and you can see a summary of the results here.
Other highlights of this quarter
- We celebrated the coronation of King Charles, giving out £5,100 in grants to support 19 community events
- We worked with partners to launch a new £1.2m social action programme for young housing association residents,
- We launched a new £240k fund to help young islanders live independently
- We partnered with social enterprise Your Own Home to help prevent homelessness
We’re also continuing to update our cost of living page with local and national support, plus information on our services and ways to save money.
Customer Transformation Programme
We have a wide programme of activities focused on improving the overall service experience for our customers. We’re looking at many things, including repairs, gardening and service charges.
For repairs, the overall aim is to make the repairs experience as easy and effortless as possible, by improving day-to-day service and introducing new features like video assessments. Our ultimate aim is to provide a self-service experience, where customers can see a calendar of availability and book in their repair at a convenient time.
We’ll update you in our next quarterly report about how our Customer Transformation Programme is progressing.
Respecting our teams
All our teams are expected to act professionally and respectfully when working with customers, and we aim to make any type of contact with us easy and straightforward. In return, we ask the same of our customers, so that we can provide as good a service as possible.
Sadly, we have seen an increase in our teams reporting abusive behaviour from some customers. While we understand that there are many pressures on people at the moment, we won’t tolerate abuse. We take any reports from our teams very seriously and will take action where needed. If you have any concerns you feel may be affecting how you interact with our teams and think we might be able to help, please always let us know.
Service stats – how we’re performing
Customer engagement
Scrutiny Coordination Group (SCG) - Our customer-led Scrutiny Coordination Group has been scrutinising how we respond to damp and mould. The group is due to the publish the results of the scrutiny in early September, so we’ll update you in our next quarterly report.
Merger consultation - Our Customer Engagement, Localities and Corporate Affairs team worked together to run two merger consultation events in June – one in the Isle of Wight and one in Basingstoke. 43 customers attended, getting the opportunity to meet their Locality team and learn more about our merger plans.
New tenant satisfaction measures
We have been measuring our performance against the new Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) since April 2023. The TSMs allow tenants to see how well their landlord is doing and helps landlords understand what they can do better.
The primary measure is ‘Overall Satisfaction’, which is gathered by the following question: Taking everything into account, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the service provided by Sovereign?
Overall satisfaction for Sovereign customers was 67% in quarter 1, against a target of 72%. Recent improvements in our Customer Service Management Centre performance is driving satisfaction, with tenants complimenting us for being easy to contact and quick to answer the phone.
The main cause of dissatisfaction was delays to responsive repairs. To address this, our Property team is focused on reducing response times and has developed a new reporting dashboard, which is already being used to identify improvements.
In addition to improving day-to-day performance, several enhancements are being made to the repairs service, including the use of video triage for boiler repairs and the introduction of self-help video repair guides for customers.
Customer service
Between April and June 2023, our Customer Service Manager Centre has made great strides in improving how long customers wait to hear back from us.
In quarter ones, wait times were:
- Phone: 30 seconds vs 2 minute target
- Email: 18 hours 3 minutes vs 48 hour target
- Social media: 56 minutes vs 1 hour target
- Webchat: 15 seconds (No target as it’s a new channel)
And our post telephone call survey results were a great 4.23 out of 5 vs our 4 out of 5 target.
Our Homes and Place and Property Service teams are working closely to provide customers across our localities with better places. Our teams are out and about in our communities, creating strong relationships and seeing what benefit they can bring.
One area they look at is anti-social behaviour (ASB). ASB can have a devastating effect on people’s lives, which is why we link in with the police and other organisations when necessary.
To help continually improve our response to ASB, we are currently looking at the possibility of:
- Doing localised reassurance texts to those actively affected by ASB cases.
- Having an ASB phone triage, with the aspiration that customers will be able to speak with someone with ASB experience as soon as they call in. These specialists will empower customers by clearly explaining whether something is or isn’t ASB and signposting to further support where necessary.
- Improving ASB data logging in our systems.
- Managing noise cases differently. Depending on what the noise is, we’d deal with some under ASB and others under neighbourhood and tenancy management.
- Remodelling our approach to mediation.
- Using instant text or email feedback surveys rather than calls.
We’ll update you on progress in our next quarterly report.
Fantastic partner feedback
One of our Localities Officer and our Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Officer received praise from one of our local council for their work dealing with ASB.
"Great piece of work connecting with the council and resolving the street gang problem in the area. It showed great partnership working with the Community safety team, dealing with customers both involved and impacted by the issues in the community.”
Between April and June 2023, our Communities team has been developing new services, with more announcements on what’s available to support our localities due to be announced over the coming months. Within Communities, we focus on community investment, employment and skills, digital and financial inclusion, social value and funding and partnerships.
Key highlights in quarter one included:
- supporting 52 community organisations to grow their capacity to deliver services in our localities
- 3,843 engagements with our team, partners and initiatives
- awarding 10 projects grants to provide youth social action support under our #iWill programme
Lettings and development
Between April and June 2023:
- We completed 335 new homes, 301 of which were affordable.
- 82 shared ownership
homes were sold, with an average equity of 40.6%.
- We completed 741 lets: 518 re-lets of existing homes and 223 lets to newly developed homes.
We completed 62 mutual exchanges .
Fantastic customer feedback:
Our Development team oversaw the construction of five fully adapted homes in Somerset. The council’s occupational therapist said:
“Just wanted to share this morning’s viewings with you – two delighted new tenants, one of which stated ‘my life begins again today’.
“The impact of everything - from the new build policy, to the huge attention to detail and lessons learned on phase 2 [of the development] - is immense and I just wanted to thank you and your teams for making this possible for five local families."
Tenancy support
Between April and June 2023:
- Our Customer Income Advisors took 578 referrals.
- They also closed 655 cases, with 556 (84.89%) engaging with the service and working with us to maximise their income and improve their financial resilience.
- We supported 455 customers with their Universal Credit claims.
- We referred 49 customers to local money partners to support them with debt advice and explore their options.
Maintaining our homes and neighbourhoods
Between April and June 2023:
- 62,000 response repairs were raised in quarter 1 which was 10% more than the same period last year – approximately 42,000 were routine, 20,000 were emergency and out of hours.
- The 1st quarter has seen us fit 165 new kitchens and 117 new bathrooms.
- We’ve replaced 468 boilers and installed air source heat pump heating to 40 homes.
- A further 285 homes have had new windows, 354 have had new doors, and 151 homes have had new roofs.
- We completely rewired 37 properties and added new electric heating installations to 35 others.
Fantastic customer feedback:
"I would like to compliment your builder on his cleanliness, his amazing work and work ethic and to say what an amazing job he has done!"
Sovereign website
We are continually finding ways to provide digital services our customers want to use. Virtual assistant and web chat are recent tools we’ve added to our website to help answers your questions faster.
In quarter one:
- 1,320 questions were responded to by our Virtual Assistant
- 618 webchats were activated
- 28,400 users were registered on MySovereign
, where you can pay your rent, report your repairs, amongst many other things.
In the first three months of the year, we were busy getting ready to launch our new localities model .
This new way of working means that, from April 2023, we have ten locally-based teams who provide quality services that are really easy to use, accessible and delivered right first time, every time by people who care.
Our centralised Customer Service Management Centre will work alongside these teams.
Our localities areas are:
Oxford | Newbury & Reading | North Hampshire & Surrey | South Hampshire | Isle of Wight | Bournemouth, Christchurch & Poole (BCP) | Dorset | Devon | Bristol & Gloucester | Wiltshire
In March, we were very excited to welcome members of our Youth panel to Sovereign House. They worked alongside our Communities team to decide which projects in our communities would be given grants from the Sovereign #iwill Fund
to support youth social action.
Below are some highlights of our performance between January 2023 and March 2023 (Quarter 4) on some of the key services and areas of support that matter to you.
We increased our support to customers and communities as part of our Customer Support Fund and saw a significant increase in demand in particular for our financial inclusion services.
- We secured £1,748,762 of external funding to extend our reach and impact in communities.
- 55,000 people benefitted from our community grants programme.
- We generated over £19,584,744 of social impact.
- We supported 168 community groups.
- We also supported 52 residents to get into work or better work, with another 172 training outcomes completed.
- We helped our residents make savings of £142,206.
- We made 1,321 fuel poverty interventions with customers needing help with their heating.
- We enabled 108 digital support interventions and supported 124 customers to get online.
Customer engagement
Resident training
We worked alongside TPAS to offer bespoke training to our engaged customer groups.
2 February | Effective Challenging
16 customers attend in total:
- 8 from our Resident and Board Partnership
- 6 from our Scrutiny Coordination Group
- 2 from our Youth Panel
9 March | Performance Data
13 customers attended in total:
- 6 from our Resident and Board Partnership
- 5 from our Scrutiny Coordination Group
- 2 from our Youth Panel
Engaged customers also attended:
February | End to end repairs quick wins sessions
We held three sessions, with 23 engaged customers attending.
3 March | #iwill Voting Day
Three members of our Youth Panel visited Sovereign House to vote on applications for round two of the Sovereign #iwill Fund.
They also shadowed the Contact Centre and speaking with seven members of staff across the business.
Localities Deep Dive
Nine engaged customer attended a Deep Dive, looking at our new Localities model.
Lettings and Development
Tenancy support
- We completed 507 new homes, 480 of which were affordable.
- 94 shared ownership
homes were sold, with an average equity of 44%.
- We let 792 homes: 582 re-let homes and 264 new build homes we let for the first time.
- We completed 135 mutual exchanges.
Maintaining our homes and neighbourhoods
- 81,800 response repairs were raised which was 11% more than the same period last year – approximately 59,700 were routine, 22,100 were emergency and out of hours.
- Repairs satisfaction was at 86.6%.
- The third quarter has seen us fit 184 new kitchens and 160 new bathrooms.
- We’ve replaced 479 boilers and installed air source heat pump heating to 59 homes.
- A further 196 homes have had new windows, 537 have had new doors, and 200 homes have had new roofs.
- We completely rewired 55 properties and added new electric heating installations to 162 others.
- We insourced grounds maintenance for over 7,000 properties across Oxfordshire and Basingstoke, after great feedback from customers when we insourced the service in Berkshire.
Customer service
- New complaint volumes increased 30% from quarter 3, to 1,932. Themes mostly centre around quality of delivery, communication and time.
- Satisfaction with complaint handling rose from quarter 3 to 43%.
New tenant satisfaction measures
The Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) confirmed that new ‘tenant satisfaction measures’ (TSM) come into effect in April 2023.
These measures are designed to let tenants see how well their landlord is doing and give an idea of which landlords might need to make improvements.
This means we will need to measure our performance against them, as a member of the RSH. The measurements cover social rented homes, with some also relating to shared ownership properties.
We had already been planning for the TSMs and changed some of the perception questions we ask our residents in readiness for what we thought the TSMs would be.
We now only need to make some minor changes – read the 22 satisfaction measures we need to measure against and what changes we need to make to our current perception questions .
If you have any questions about TSMs, please email
Inflation continued to rise in October 2022, peaking at 11.1% before ending the year at 10.5%.
We’re continuing to update our cost of living page with local and national support, plus information on our services, tips to keep you and your home warm, and ways to save money.
Below are some highlights of our performance between October 2022 and December 2022 (Quarter 3) on some of the key services and areas of support that matter to you.
- 74,700 response repairs were raised – approximately 50,600 were routine, 24,100 were emergency and out of hours.
- Repairs satisfaction was at 90%.
- We let 799 homes: 483 re-let homes and 316 new build homes we let for the first time.
- We completed 140 mutual exchanges.
- The third quarter has seen us fit 168 new kitchens and another 125 getting new bathrooms.
- We’ve replaced 345 boilers and installed air source heat pump heating to 73 homes.
- A further 176 homes have had new windows and 568 have had new doors, with 71 homes getting new roofs.
- We completed 1,451 Neighbourhood Standard Inspections – in Q3 we began recording data differently, which is why the number of inspections appears higher than Q2.
- Our Tenancy Support Advisors took 591 referrals. They also closed 405 cases, with 443 (80.63%) engaging with the service and working with us to maximise their income and improve their financial resilience.
- We supported 405 customers with their Universal Credit claims.
- We referred 67 customers to local money partners to support them with debt advice and explore their options.
- We also supported 70 residents to get into work or better work, with another 357 training outcomes completed.
- We supported 55 community groups and engaged with 2,145 people across our community development projects.
- We also helped our residents make savings of £86,818.08.
- We enabled 360 digital support interventions and supported 202 customers to get online.
- We co-created 5 environmental projects and 15 new neighbourhood events.
- We secured £183,796 of external funding to extend our reach and impact in communities.
- We generated over £19m of social impact.
- Overall customer satisfaction, as measured using our STAR survey, remained relatively stable at 70.7%.
- Complaint volumes continued to rise (1,471), in line with an increase in complaints across the sector as a whole.
- Satisfaction with complaint handling fell slightly to 38.4%.
- Phase 1 of the transformation of our complaints service continued to confirm that our case management approach to resolving complaints is proving effective.
Highlights of our performance
Customer engagement
We worked with customers to map the journey of our planned works service for kitchens, bathrooms, and windows:
- 14 Sovereign staff involved in four interactive workshops.
- 175 customers gave their feedback on their experiences.
- 25 ways to action the recommendations for the proposed changes.
We received the final report of the engagement review done by external company Connectives, which showed:
- 11 key findings highlighting areas of focus.
- Six areas of recommendations for change, with a focus on four suggested goals. We will review how to take these forward.
We recruited for a new Chair of the Resident and Board Partnership – we received 17 applications of interest, with Ruth Picknett-Powell being successfully appointed after an interview process.
We also recruited for new members of the Resident and Board Partnership (RBP) and Scrutiny Coordination Group:
- 70 applications received for RBP and 43 for SCG.
- We held three selections events and successfully appointed three new members for the RBP and two new members for the SCG.
New tenant satisfaction measures
The Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) recently confirmed that new ‘tenant satisfaction measures’ (TSM) will come into effect in April 2023.
These measures are designed to let tenants see how well their landlord is doing and give an idea of which landlords might need to make improvements.
This means we will need to measure our performance against them, as a member of the RSH. The measurements cover social rented homes, with some also relating to shared ownership properties.
We had already been planning for the TSMs and changed some of the perception questions we ask our residents in readiness for what we thought the TSMs would be.
We now only need to make some minor changes – read the 22 satisfaction measures we need to measure against and what changes we need to make to our current perception questions .
If you have any questions about TSMs, please email
Inflation rose to 10.1% in September 2022, its highest rate since the early 80s. Increasing food prices have been a big factor in the increase, with pasta costing nearly 60% more than it did in September last year.
We understand that this will be putting more pressure on your finances, which have also been impacted by rising fuel costs.
That’s why we’ve published our Cost of living support page.
It has information on:
- Government and energy company financial support
- Our services and support (including employment and training, grants)
- Tips to keep you and your home warm
- Ways to save or make money on shopping
Please share this with anyone you think will find it useful.
Below are some highlights of our performance between July 2022 and September 2022 on some of the key services and areas of support that matter to you.
Services and support
- 55,000 response repairs were raised – approximately 40,000 were routine, 15,000 were emergency and out of hours.
- Repairs satisfaction was at 89%.
- We let 792 homes: 513 re-let homes and 279 new build homes we let for the first time.
- We completed 133 mutual exchanges.
- The second quarter has seen us fit 169 homes with new kitchens and another 120 getting new bathrooms.
- We’ve replaced 540 boilers and installed air source heat pump heating to 75 homes.
- A further 160 homes have had new windows and 450 have had new doors, with 100 homes getting new roofs.
- In August we asked over 170 customers to tell us what it was like having a recently installed new kitchen, bathroom or windows in their home. The overall feedback has been instrumental in helping Sovereign understand the customer’s perspective when receiving these services from Sovereign.
- We completed 703 Neighbourhood Standard Inspections and carried out 58 neighbourhood improvements across our estates.
- Our Tenancy Support Advisors took 568 referrals.
- They also closed 545 cases, with 457 (83.85%) engaging with the service and working with us to maximise their income and improve their financial resilience.
- We supported 406 customers with their Universal Credit claims.
- We referred 88 customers to local money partners to support them with debt advice and explore their options.
- We also supported 100 residents to get into work or better work, with another 205 training outcomes completed.
- We supported 73 community groups and engaged with 1,083 people across our community development projects.
- We helped 10 people with tailored digital support. We also provided 57 with devices to get online and 35 with digital training.
- We also helped our residents make savings of £58,590.77.
- We now have just over 23,000 MySovereign users.
- Since our Virtual Assistant went live at the end of January, it’s helped with 3,763 enquiries.
- Our new web chat, which launched in June, has been used 525 times.
- Our STAR survey showed overall satisfaction was at 72.5%.
- Complaint volumes remained high (1,386) but at the same levels as the previous quarter with satisfaction increasing to 42.1%.
- The transformation of our complaints service continues but the changes we put in place in phase one are showing evidence that our case management approach to resolving complaints is proving effective.
Role of residents
Scrutiny Coordination Group (SCG)
The Scrutiny Coordination Group’s investigation into Sovereign’s responsive repairs service continues. In the final phase the group has been speaking with customers who’ve recently had a repair about their experience. Their voices will be incorporated into the final report due at the end of the year.
Scrutiny Coordination Group members have also been out and about talking about their work: Chair, Paula Grebot spoke at the Chartered Institute of Housing’s South West conference in Bristol; member Kelly Long attended the Tpas Scrutiny Conference in Nottingham and took part in the ‘scrutiny showcase’ talking about the group’s work with other delegates; Ebony Taylorson spoke at a launch event for Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea’s new approach to resident scrutiny.
Engagement review
We have been reviewing how we engaged with residents.
Key questions for the review are:
- Is the ‘triangle of engagement’ still fit for purpose?
- Rewarding our engaged residents - what good practice is out there for us to consider?
- How do we broaden our engagement approach to make it more diverse and widen the reach to hear our customers?
So far, we’ve done:
- 1-2-1s with over 20 key colleagues and Board members
- Three workshops with customers, both face to face and online
Recruitment for Resident and Board Partnership (RBP) Chair and RBP and Scrutiny Coordination Group members
Over the last few months, we have been actively looking to recruit for our panels, as well as Joyce Ward’s replacement as Chair of the RBP.
We have had 17 applications for the Chair role, 70 for the RBP and 43 for the SCG. New members will be appointed in the following months.
Day in the Life
Over the last quarter, engaged residents heard about the ‘Day in the Life’ of a locality officer. Members found it really useful and an eye opener as to what locality officers had to deal and the importance of their role.
Residents' conference, by the Resident and Board Partnership (RBP)
After a three-year hiatus due to the pandemic, our 2022 engaged residents’ conference took place on Saturday 18 July at Sovereign House in Basingstoke.
The conference brought together residents from the Resident and Board Partnership (RBP) and Scrutiny Coordination Group (SCG) and other involved residents.
There were many workshops and information sharing opportunities between Sovereign employees and residents. This included workshops from the Customer Contact, Scheduling and Communities teams, and sessions on our Homes and Place Standard.
The day really highlighted the value of resident engagement – see the highlights here.
Youth Panel
Our Youth panel is the voice for our younger residents. In July the group met in Bristol to attend a day’s training with Acorn. This included learning about the Principles of Community Organising. Members Jack and Emily also took part in scoring the first applications from the #iwill project.
Emily said “Being part of the #iWill applications assessing process was a challenging, but insightful experience. It was definitely worth getting involved, knowing I am actively making a small difference.”
The group has also been working on submitting their Asdan training booklets where they will receive accreditation for their volunteering within the Youth panel.
New tenant satisfaction measures
The Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) recently confirmed that new ‘tenant satisfaction measures’ (TSM) will come into effect in April 2023.
These measures are designed to let tenants see how well their landlord is doing and give an idea of which landlords might need to make improvements.
This means we will need to measure our performance against them, as a member of the RSH. The measurements cover social rented homes, with some also relating to shared ownership properties.
We had already been planning for the TSMs and changed some of the perception questions we ask our residents in readiness for what we thought the TSMs would be.
We now only need to make some minor changes – read the 22 satisfaction measures we need to measure against and what changes we need to make to our current perception questions .
If you have any questions about TSMs, please email
After a difficult first few months of 2022, it was wonderful to be able to put our worries to one side to dive into an extended bank holiday, where we celebrated the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.
From marmalade sandwiches to a special concert outside Buckingham Palace, thousands of events and street parties took place - we contributed £6,500 Amazon vouchers to residents and community groups to help them bring people together to celebrate this historical moment.
However, despite this joyous occasion, we do understand it’s still a hard time for many of you, with the cost of living continuing to rise and energy price caps increasing.
Please take a look at our advice and guides pages – you’ll find everything from money, jobs and debt support, to benefits guidance and ways you can look for a new home if you want to move. Please get in touch if you’re struggling.
Below are some highlights of our performance between April 2022 and June 2022 on some of the key services and areas of support that matter to you.
Services and support
- Repairs satisfaction was at 87% as we continued to catch up on non-urgent repairs and were also affected by national labour shortages and supply of some materials.
- Positive feedback from our customers continues following the insourcing of Grounds Maintenance in Berkshire. Work to prepare for insourcing of Grounds Maintenance across Oxfordshire and Hampshire remains on track
- We let 770 homes: 564 re-let homes and another 206 new homes we let for the first time.
- We completed 144 mutual exchanges.
- We completed nearly 57,700 emergency, routine and out of hours responsive repairs.
- In the first quarter we’ve made a good start to the new financial year with 160 homes getting new kitchens and another 103 getting new bathrooms.
- A further 200 homes have had new windows and 250 have had new entrance doors, with 70 homes getting new roofs.
- We completed 3,303 Neighbourhood Standard Inspections and carried out 11 neighbourhood improvements across our estates.
- We supported 449 customers with Universal Credit claims and issues.
- We supported 47 people with aging well projects and services and 80 residents to get into work or better work. Residents also completed another 334 training outcomes.
- We supported 47 people with aging well projects and services
- We also supported 80 residents to get into work or better work, with another 334 training outcomes completed.
- We supported 76 community groups and engaged with 2,634 people across our community development projects.
- We helped 194 people with tailored digital support, like providing 69 with devices to get online and 125 with digital training.
- We also helped our residents make savings of £94,825.69.
- In June we switched to monthly STAR surveys and our overall satisfaction was maintained at 69%.
- Repairs satisfaction increased to 89%, despite continued high demand for services and national labour shortages.
- Complaint volumes remained high (1,276) but at the same levels as the previous quarter with satisfaction increasing to 41%.
- Work continued on our complaints service transformation, with Phase 1 launch scheduled for late July.
Role of residents
Residents' conference, by the Resident and Board Partnership (RBP)
After a three-year hiatus due to the pandemic, our 2022 engaged residents’ conference took place on Saturday 18 July at Sovereign House in Basingstoke.
The conference brought together residents from the Resident and Board Partnership (RBP) and Scrutiny Coordination Group (SCG) and other involved residents.
There were many workshops and information sharing opportunities between Sovereign employees and residents. This included workshops from the Customer Contact, Scheduling and Communities teams, and sessions on our Homes and Place Standard.
The day really highlighted the value of resident engagement.
Scrutiny Coordination Group (SCG)
The SCG has been investigating what drives customer satisfaction with Sovereign’s repairs service. This project is split into two halves and the group have completed part one – analysing Sovereign’s customer data and getting the views of employees. From August, they’ll start to investigate what parts of the service are liked and disliked by residents and why. Then they’ll work with Sovereign to formulate workable service improvements.
The group received a demonstration of new functionality due to be launched soon on MySovereign. They were excited to see how residents’ feedback has helped shape Sovereign’s approach to the online services it provides.
The SCG also held a deep dive into Sovereign’s new approach to tackling damp and mould issues. This topic area has been scheduled in to be scrutinised by residents next year, when the current approach has had time to bed in and the SCG is able to measure its success over the upcoming winter months.
Engagement review
Our current ‘triangle of engagement’ has been established for around five years. We felt that, in line with the Social Housing White Paper, it was an opportunity to see if our current structure of engagement is still fit for purpose. So, this quarter we successfully recruited a research company called Connectives to help us undertake a review.
As part of the work, the researchers will be interviewing employees, residents, and other interested parties, to see how we can be more inclusive when it comes to engaging with our customers and hearing their voices and acting upon it too.
In the next quarter we will share some of the findings.
Ongoing recruitment for the RBP, SCG and RBP Chair
We started preparing for our recruitment campaign for more members, including the Chair of the RBP, as the current Chair will be retiring in December.
We emailed residents with the opportunity to 'go behind the scenes' of resident engagement, to understand how these groups represents them and to encourage them to get involved too.
More information on recruitment and how to apply can be found at and
Youth Panel
The Youth panel is the voice for our younger residents. The group met with members of Sovereign’s internal Disability and Carers Network (DACN). Member Jack represented the panel at the Residents’ Conference, held at Sovereign House. Members also attended training in Bristol on community organising.
We started 2022 with hopes of new beginnings, as we began to ‘live’ with Covid-19.
But as we got used to the freedom of no restrictions, unexpected national and international events suddenly had a huge impact on our lives.
From fuel shortages and cost of living increases, to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, there’s been a lot for us all to deal with.
While we don’t know yet the full impact that Russian sanctions will have on our daily lives or how much further energy costs will increase, we do offer support if you’re struggling financially or need help.
Please take a look at our advice and guides pages – you’ll find everything from money, jobs and debt support, to benefits guidance and ways you can look for a new home if you want to move.
Below are some highlights of our performance between January 2022 and March 2022 on some of the key services and areas of support that matter to you.
Services and support
- We let 696 homes: 564 relet homes and another 150 new homes we let for the first time.
- We completed 148 mutual exchanges.
- We completed nearly 64,000 emergency, routine and out of hours responsive repairs.
- Although Covid delayed us from returning to full delivery of planned works, we were still able to install 312 new windows, 248 new doors, re-roof 102 homes and replace over 104 kitchens and 56 bathrooms.
- We completed 1,249 Neighbourhood Standard inspections and carried out 11 neighbourhood improvements across our estates.
- We supported 456 customers with Universal Credit claims and issues.
- We supported 470 people with aging well projects and services and 143 residents to get into work or better work. Residents also completed another 378 training outcomes.
- We supported 80 community groups and worked with communities and partners on 12 environmental projects, engaging with nearly 3,285 people across our community development projects.
- We helped hundreds of people with tailored support like providing 101 with equipment to get online and 133 with digital training, as well as working with 1,653 residents through our money and digital services. We helped our residents make savings of over £57,588.
- Our ‘STAR’ customer survey showed that overall satisfaction was at 69% in January to March.
- Repairs satisfaction was at 87% as we continued to catch up on non-urgent repairs and were also affected by national labour shortages and supply of some materials.
- The challenges of the period were also reflected in a 21% increase in complaints (1,267) compared to quarter three, with ‘communication’ still being a big driver of dissatisfaction. Satisfaction for the quarter was 40%.
- As a result, work continues on transforming the experience our customers have with our complaints service. In March we launched our new way of dealing with repairs issues in ‘real time’ – this will give customers quicker resolutions and reduce complaints. We’ll monitor its success as part of a phased rollout.
Role of residents
Resident and Board Partnership (RBP)
- In March, 36 residents played a pivotal role in mapping the customer’s journey when mutually exchanging their home.
- This work helped shape recommendations for changing how the service is delivered in the future, with seven service improvement actions. These included giving more details about the process on our website and getting comprehensive feedback from customers after they’ve exchanged.
- Residents, RBP and SCG members also gave us a customer perspective on how we procure services like grounds maintenance and communal cleaning. This feedback will help us look at how we obtain these types of services in the future and how we can be more transparent in how we deliver them.
Scrutiny Coordination Group (SCG)
- Following its review of Sovereign’s social media, the SCG agreed service improvement recommendations, which included upskilling our Contact team so they can make best use of Sovereign’s Facebook page.
- The SCG is now working with volunteer resident scrutineers to investigate what drives customer satisfaction with Sovereign’s repairs service. They’ll start by analysing satisfaction data and hearing from employees about what they think makes customers happy. Residents will be asked what they think of the service later this year.
- The SCG also discussed the supposed stigma of living in social housing, which is currently being addressed by the government in its Social Housing White Paper, and by the National Housing Federation with its Together with Tenants charter. They looked at how Sovereign’s approach to residents could help combat stigma and agreed to include questions on it in all upcoming scrutiny projects.
Youth Panel
- The Youth panel is the voice for our younger residents. The group has been supporting our digital team on improvements to services and attended training. They also looked at ways they can take social action in their own community.
Other activity
- The RBP had an update on our Customer Contact strategy. We explained how lessons learnt about our services during the pandemic mean that we’ll be evolving how we work to ensure we can get services right first time.
- The RBP, SCG and other residents took part in workshops on how we can ‘decarbonise’ our homes, giving us their views on the work that will be involved.
- In light of the financial challenges people are facing, the RBP also heard about current and additional support Sovereign will be offering residents over the next year. This includes white goods grants, financial support, furniture and flooring grants, digital training, fuel vouchers, advice on how to find energy savings, money and debt advice, and personalised employment and training support.
Over the last few months of 2021, we continued providing a full range of services and supporting customers and their communities - despite the ongoing challenges of high Covid levels as the Omicron variant emerged.
And it continued to be a very challenging time for many residents. Following our successful welfare calls to certain customer groups during lockdown, we’ve been sending SMS messages to about 4,000 residents aged over 70. These are a chance for a check in and offer support around heating, finances or other help. Customers can just reply ‘yes’ for a call back.
We want to offer more services digitally too – giving you access where and when it suits you and freeing up our people to get out into neighbourhoods or provide individual support.
During December we moved MySovereign to a new platform and improved the look and feel. Thousands of customers have now re-registered or signed up, getting online access to pay their rent, check their balance, request a repair – and more. It’s quick and easy, just visit
Please get in touch if you’re struggling financially or need help at the moment. There’s lots of support and advice available – you can also find out about some of these support offers on our advice and guides pages.
Below are some highlights of our performance between October and December on some of these key services and areas of support that matter to customers.
Thank you.
Services and support
We let 753 homes: 604 relet homes and another 149 new homes we let for the first time.
- We completed 192 mutual exchanges.
- We completed nearly 54,000 emergency, routine and out of hours responsive repairs.
- Although Covid has delayed us from returning to full delivery of planned works, we’ve still managed to prioritise and install 227 new bathrooms and 458 kitchens in the first ten months of the year.
- We completed 1,018 Neighbourhood Standard inspections (and, since July 2021, we’ve also carried out 86 neighbourhood improvements across our estates - totalling £194k).
- We saw a drop in Universal Credit (UC) claims but were still able to support 148 customers with UC claims and issues.
- We supported 470 people with aging well projects and services and 106 residents to get into work or better work – a huge increase on the three months before. Residents also completed another 349 training outcomes.
- We supported 54 community groups and worked with communities and partners on 15 environmental projects, engaging with nearly 2,000 people across our community development projects.
- We helped hundreds of people get back on their feet - tailored support like providing 92 with equipment to get online and 326 with digital training, as well as working with 1,264 residents through our money and digital services. We helped our residents make savings of £34,562.
- Our quarterly ‘STAR’ customer survey showed that measures are back on trend with the previous two years - overall satisfaction was 79% and satisfaction with neighbourhood was at 86%.
- Repairs satisfaction was at 90% as we continued to catch up on non-urgent repairs and were also affected by national labour shortages and some materials.
- The challenges of the period were also reflected in more complaints (1,051) with ‘communication’ still being a big part of dissatisfaction – with satisfaction at 38%.
- Work continues on transforming our complaints service: around making sure we keep customers updated while we’re managing their complaint, and how we improve the experience we deliver to them. Early in 2022 we also began the phased launch of a new way of dealing with repairs issues in ‘real-time’ - helping to reduce the number of complaints and giving customers the opportunity to resolve issues quickly and easily.
Role of residents
Resident and Board Partnership (RBP)
- Key focus areas for the RBP included reviewing the new customer metrics and performance - areas such as ‘our service’, ‘your home’, ‘your neighbourhoods and ‘your safety’. All these are related to our customer impact strategy and the Housing White Paper.
- The group also found out more about our strategic asset management strategy and how it will look to develop a blueprint to help meet housing need and bring current homes up to standard for future customers.
- There was also an update on the Enhanced Empty Homes pilot and feedback on how the project’s developing.
Scrutiny Coordination Group (SCG)
The SCG completed its review of Sovereign’s social media just before Christmas and are now developing recommendations to improve the service. They interviewed key staff about how we use social media to communicate with residents and others. They also analysed how customers use social media to contact us and looked at what we do compared to other housing providers.
- The group also heard how we’re implementing actions recommended after the scrutiny of the anti-social behaviour (ASB) service in autumn 2020 - and tracked progress on other recommendations, making sure they keep holding us to account.
- In preparation for their next scrutiny, starting in spring 2022, the SCG also heard from the Responsive Repairs team and analysed the latest customer satisfaction data around repairs – all good background to help them look into what drives satisfaction with the repairs service.
Youth Panel
The Youth Panel is the voice for our younger residents. Over the autumn its members gave their insight into various services and continued with their own community projects, such as ‘safe space’ - connecting isolated people with others in the area.
Other activity
A successful recruitment drive (including email and Facebook campaigns) led to 100 customers saying they’d like to get involved with us. As well as new potential resident scrutineers and a pool of people we can contact for feedback on specific topics, we welcomed a number of new members to the RBP and SCG.
- In October, residents played a pivotal role in mapping two customer journeys: the Market Rent service when someone is looking to rent on an Assured Shorthold basis with a choice of flexible tenancy lengths; and the journey our Keyworker customers experience.
- The two projects involved 67 customers interviews and led to 70 service improvement actions, such as providing Keyworker customers with an in-room welcome pack and making customers aware of upfront costs on property adverts.
- In December, RBP and SCG members also provided valuable insight and feedback in some discussion groups on sustainability – helping us gather a customer perspective on our plans to reduce our impact on the environment, as we move towards our target to be carbon neutral by 2050.
The government’s national Covid-19 recovery plan continued over the summer but it remained a difficult time for our customers and a challenging one for delivering some services.
We worked hard to catch up on demand for services such as non-emergency repairs and an increase in requests to move. But we were also affected by national issues like national shortages of skilled labour and certain materials, alongside price increases in things like fuel.
We explained more about this in an update email to residents and on our Covid-19 pages.
Despite this backdrop, we continued to complete thousands of repairs; build and let hundreds of homes; support our customers and communities; work with residents to review and improve our services – and much more. Below is more information about our performance between July and September on some of these key areas that matter to customers.
As always, please get in touch if you’re struggling financially or you need advice and help. There’s lots of support and advice that we and our partners can offer.
And don’t forget that you’ll need to register to do some things on MySovereign (like pay your rent or log a repair) but there are also 100s of pages of useful information which you can access without logging in.
Thank you again.
Services and support
- We let 753 homes: 676 relet homes and another 77 new homes we let for the first time.
- We completed over 50,000 emergency, routine and out of hours responsive repairs.
- Income teams continued to help and advise residents claiming Universal Credit, supporting with 227 cases.
- We supported 385 community organisations and 68 residents to get into work or better work. Residents also completed another 27 training outcomes.
- We helped hundreds of people get back on their feet through tailored support – like providing 25 with equipment to get online and 51 with digital training, as well as working with 300 residents through our money and digital services.
- At the end of September there were just over 34,000 registered users of MySovereign. We’re continuing to develop the site and will be moving to a new platform and improved look and feel at the end of the year, paving the way for some extra features in 2022.
- We’ve also set up a ‘living together’ fund to support our teams and residents find innovative, often simple, solutions to local anti-social behaviour issues – for example, by fitting underlay in a flat if there’s a major problem with sound travelling to neighbours below.
Role of residents
- Key focus areas for the Resident and Board Partnership (RBP) were reviewing and contributing to the Customer Impact Strategy as well as customer performance indicators and building safety. They also found out more about the national political landscape and how that’s impacting on housing, and about some key communication projects where we needed input from residents.
- The RBP is following up all these areas with further in-depth meetings or incorporating them into resident-led scrutinies to help us understand the voice of our customers better.
- The Scrutiny Coordination Group (SCG) reported back on its investigations into how we distribute community grant funding. Recommendations included increasing visibility of the grants by producing an impact report, revising the web pages about the grants and producing an ‘offer’ document to make sure the application process is simple and robust for smaller, grassroot community groups.
- The SCG also discussed MySovereign and how they’d like to see it develop, as well as reviewing progress on actions from previous scrutinies – including presenting back on the ‘scrutiny tracker’ to the RBP as part of making sure Sovereign remains accountable to customers.
- RBP and SCG members have also done ‘deep dives’ to look at a number of service areas including Universal Credit, tenancy support, money and digital services as well as our Customer Impact Strategy and how we measure customer-facing services.
- In April, residents also mapped the journey that our home ownership customers experience when they’re looking to staircase (buy more shares in their home) or sell their home and move. This involved video interviews with 24 customers and led to 12 service improvement actions, such as having a dedicated case manager so that a customer only has one person to speak to.
- The Youth Panel is the voice for our younger residents. Its members have given their insight into our building safety information and discussed how they could get involved in some of our environmental projects. In May, Ebony - one of its members, also spoke about her experiences at a national ‘Understanding the tenant of the future’ conference.
This spring and early summer, the national recovery from Covid-19 began but things remain difficult for many people. We continued to provide our services and support, reopening various aspects of some of these in line with the government’s four step recovery plan. But we received a lot more contact about things like repairs and requests to move – alongside needing to catch up on work that had been postponed. This meant some services took longer to provide than we would like.
We also began to feel the effects of external factors affecting organisations across the country and making front page news.
The information below gives you a flavour of our performance between April and June on some key areas that matter to customers. We remain grateful for your ongoing patience and support. Do continue to interact with us on MySovereign where you can (you’ll need to register to do some things like pay your rent or log a repair but lots of useful information is available without logging in).
But please get in touch if you’re struggling as there’s lots of support and advice that we and our partners can offer.
Thank you again.
Services and support
- We let 753 homes: 676 relet homes and another 77 new homes we let for the first time.
- We completed over 50,000 emergency, routine and out of hours responsive repairs.
- Income teams continued to help and advise residents claiming Universal Credit, supporting with 227 cases.
- We supported 385 community organisations and 68 residents to get into work or better work. Residents also completed another 27 training outcomes.
- At the end of June there were over 29,000 registered users of MySovereign. We’re continuing to develop the site and there’ll be improvements later this year to help if you’re facing a damp and mould issue or need to report a defect in a new-build home.
- We’ve also set up a ‘living together’ fund to support our teams and residents find innovative, often simple, solutions to local anti-social behaviour issues – for example, by fitting underlay in a flat if there’s a major problem with sound travelling to neighbours below.
Role of residents
- Key focus areas for the Resident and Board Partnership (RBP) were reviewing and contributing to the Customer Impact Strategy as well as customer performance indicators and building safety. They also found out more about the national political landscape and how that’s impacting on housing, and about some key communication projects where we needed input from residents.
- The group is following all these areas up with further deep dive meetings or incorporating them into resident-led scrutinies to help us understand the voice of our customers better.
- The Scrutiny Coordination Group (SCG) reported back on its investigations into how we distribute community grant funding. Recommendations included increasing visibility of the grants by producing an impact report, revising the web pages about the grants and producing an ‘offer’ document to make sure the application process is simple and robust for smaller, grassroot community groups.
- The SCG also discussed MySovereign and how they’d like to see it develop, as well as reviewing progress on the recommendations made in previous scrutinies – including presenting on this ‘scrutiny tracker’ to the RBP as part of that group’s role in making sure Sovereign remains accountable to customers.
- RBP and SCG members have also done ‘deep dives’ to look at a number of service areas including universal credit, tenancy support, money and digital services as well as our Customer Impact Strategy and customer metrics.
- In April, residents also mapped the journey our home ownership customers experience when they’re looking to staircase (buy more shares in their home) or sell their home and move. This involved video interviews with 24 customers and led to 12 service improvement actions, such as having a dedicated ‘case manager’ so a customer only has one person to speak to
- The Youth Panel is the voice for our younger residents. Its members have given their insight into our building safety information and discussed how they could get involved in some of our environmental projects. In May, Ebony - one of its members, also spoke about her experiences at a national ‘Understanding the tenant of the future’ conference.
When we shared our last quarterly report, we’d resumed most of our services but were restricting non-essential repairs within people’s homes. Our aim was to help reduce infections during the third lockdown by minimising our direct contact with you where we could.
Three months later, the national recovery is well underway and the roll out of vaccinations is continuing, but we know things are still very difficult for many people.
We’ve had another busy few months providing a range of services and support – and you can read more about our performance below.
Here are some highlights of the quarter:
- We let 673 homes.
- We completed over 37,700 emergency and essential repairs, despite the third lockdown from early January.
- We supported 122 community organisations, 69 residents to get into work or better work, and another 202 with training. Other teams and specialist partners offered support and advice on a wide range of issues.
- The Scrutiny Coordination Group (SCG) has finished reviewing our community grants programme and made recommendations about how we can better promote this in our communities.
- Our quarterly customer survey showed overall satisfaction slightly down at 79% but 81% for the year.
- Despite not being able to carry out routine repairs inside people’s homes, satisfaction with repairs was at 69% and satisfaction with your neighbourhood up slightly to 87%.
October to December remained difficult for everyone as we faced different tiers of restriction to help stop the spread of Covid-19. Adjusting to the latest guidance meant multiple short notice changes to our services, so thank you for your patience. We also sent 112,000 ‘Covid update’ emails to keep you in the know.
Here are some highlights of the quarter:
- We let 800 homes, completed 220 mutual exchanges and 55,000 repairs.
- Income teams supported 616 residents claiming Universal Credit.
- We supported 194 community organisations, 59 residents to get into work or better work, and another 217 with training
- We continued to provide support and advice on a range of other issues
- Our resident scrutineers completed their investigations into ASB and are working on recommendations to improve the service for our customers.
- To deliver the best possible residents’ voice, we recruited eight new members to our Scrutiny Coordination Group and Resident and Board Partnership after a successful recruitment campaign which included a focus on attracting a diverse range of residents.
- Residents have also helped us look at the stages customers go through with our Home Ownership external management service (known as customer journey mapping). We’ll use this to help us design better processes and customer communication.
- Our quarterly ‘STAR’ customer survey showed overall satisfaction remained at 83%, despite post-lockdown pressures on our services. It was a particularly challenging and uncertain period for repairs but satisfaction with these stayed stable (0.3% change).
- We know that satisfaction with our complaints handling isn’t as good as it should be. In December, we self-assessed against the Housing Ombudsman’s new code. While we performed well against most measures, we identified some key areas for improvement and are working on these.