Electrical safety for shared owners or leaseholders

Keeping you safe in your home is a top priority for us. If you're a shared owner or leaseholder, you are responsible for electrical tests within your own home but we’re responsible for repairing and maintaining any communal installations – such as if you live in a block of flats.  

Your responsibilities include the following requirements around electrical safety to make sure that you and your neighbours are kept safe. 

  • Arranging regular electrical safety tests (at least every ten years) within your own home – if you live in a block, we will arrange these for any communal areas. 
  • Asking us for permission to carry out alterations, additions and improvements to your home that may affect the electrics. 
  • If we agree to allow you to make changes to your electrics, we will need a copy of the certification from the electrician, who must be a member of a recognised competency scheme such as the NICEIC, ECA or NAPIT. 
  • Making sure a qualified electrical engineer carries out any other electrical work.  

Please go to this page to find out more about your other responsibilities as a shared owner or leaseholder. 

If you have any concern about your electrical safety, please contact us.

Electrical safety tips 

If you have an electrical supply, it's really important you know where and how to turn this off in an emergency. (In a house, this is usually located on the ground floor in the hallway, under the stairs or in a kitchen cupboard and normally very close to the electric meter.) 

To help keep you, your family and neighbours safe, please follow this safety advice.