Shaping our services
Scrutiny: The Home & Place Standard
The Home and Place Standard was developed to mark SNG’s commitment to building and maintaining good quality homes and better places to live.
Launched in April 2024, the Standard is structured under three key areas – Home, Place and Sustainable Future.
Learn more about The Home and Place Standard and read the full scrutiny report
Find out about previous service investigations
Our team of scrutineers looked at our approach to decanting (moving out) customers from their homes when planned or emergency work needs to be done.
We started our investigation into our damp and mould service in June 2023.
We wanted to find out what customers like and dislike about how we communicate and advertise the service, deliver the service, and how current technology is used by customers.
Following the Scrutiny Coordination Group’s (now disbanded) initial scrutiny into damp and mould where emergency decants were highlighted, they wanted to take a further look into this area and widen the scope to consider all emergency decants.
The Scrutiny Coordination Group (now disbanded) was eager to revisit Right First Time scrutiny, which was initially conducted nearly two years ago. The suggestion was well received, with a request to broaden the scope to include customer satisfaction, considering recent resident feedback and the impact of Covid.
Investigating the effectiveness of SNG’s approach to communication with an initial focus on social media, with the aim of adapting how we interact with customers to support a much more self-serving approach.
This scrutiny took place between January and March 2021, with focus on reviewing SNG’s grant information and application process.
In response to early findings, the Communities team immediately updated the website with clearer information on available funding.
The Communities Team has also launched an annual review showcasing funded projects to inspire more groups to apply. Read the report here.
This scrutiny project was conducted remotely due to the pandemic and completed in January 2021. Following this, collaboration with senior managers at SNG resulted in recommendations for improving the service and levels of customer satisfaction.