Moving out checklist for private market rent
We’ll arrange a pre termination inspection and also agree a time on your moving out date to carry out a final check-out and collect your keys, so that we can return your deposit without any unnecessary delays.
To avoid any unnecessary deductions, please make sure that you leave the property, garage (if you have one) and any outside areas in a clean and tidy order. Please find below some pointers on the areas you should pay particular attention to.
- Clean inside and out
- Ensure gloss surfaces and emulsion walls are clean and free from marks
- Clean light switches
- Carpets and rugs professionally cleaned (and fumigated if applicable)
Cupboards and Drawers
- Rubbish emptied
- Dust free
Bathrooms, Showers and WCs
- Baths, basins and showers clean
- Sanitary ware and shower head descaled
Kitchen and Utility Rooms
- Unit tops, fronts and shelving clean
- All appliances not forgetting the cooker hood, oven & hob
- Cupboards and drawers clean
- Fridge/freezers defrost and clean
- All food and drink removed
- Extractor fan filter clean/replaced
- Window sills clean
- Doors clean
- Grass cut and garden tidy
- Garage cleared, clean and tidy
- Mirrors, picture glass, glass tops polished
- Close and lock windows
- Lock all doors
- Remove plugs from sockets
- Please ensure that all keys are handed back at the check-out. If the keys are not returned, in accordance with your tenancy agreement, we will be obliged to change the locks and charge from your deposit.
Fixtures and Fittings
- It is imperative that you leave fixtures and fittings in good clean condition, otherwise you will be charged for any repairs required.
Meter Readings
- Read all utility meters and contact suppliers to give final readings and arrange a payment plan.
Divert Post
Forwarding Address
We will need your forwarding address to return your deposit.
- Inform all relevant utility companies of your move, including; gas, water, telephone and electricity.
- Notify the council that you are moving out and the council in your new area if applicable
- Inform your doctor, dentist and optician if you are moving out of the area
- Contact TV licensing to notify them of your move
- Contact DVLA to change the address on your driving licence.
- Inform the bank of your move and make any changes to direct debits or standing orders
- Contact the post office and have your mail forwarded – there may be a small charge for this service
- Contact any service providers, including, insurers, mobile phone companies and any milk or grocery service.
- Be sure to contact everyone who should know about your move, including friends and family members.
Things to arrange and do
- Organise your removal company and clarify the moving date and time
- Try to arrange for a family member or friend to take care of any children in your care
- Note down your meter readings on the day you leave
- Before leaving your property, be sure to check all windows and doors are shut and locked
- Label all of your keys to return to us on the day you leave and please make sure this includes: property, garage (if you have one), shed, window keys, security fobs and parking window passes.