This page gives advice on dangerous dogs, problems around persistent dog barking or dog fouling, and who to report a problem to.
What issues are you facing?
Get advice below
Is it antisocial behaviour?
If a dog is aggressive towards you and you fear for your safety (even if it’s not bitten you), please report it to the police immediately.
You'll find information about the law and dangerous dogs on the website .
What you can do
- If you’ve needed to report frightening behaviour to the police, please let our Contact Centre team know on 0300 5000 926. They’ll need to record your incident report number and the name of the police officer you spoke to. We may need to use this to speak to the police and you about any next steps.
- If you’d rather send us a written report, please fill in our ASB form
Is it antisocial behaviour (ASB)?
No, this is not generally classed as anti-social behaviour and needs to be managed as a noise transference issue. Dogs bark for many reasons and may not necessarily be in distress, or due to neglect or mis-handling.
In the first instance, please contact your Local Authority and make a noise complaint. They'll contact us if they have further wellfare concerns.
What you can do
- If you feel safe to do so, have a friendly word with your neighbour they may not realise the barking is causing an issue.
- If your issue is investigated and you still need help, you may be offered mediation. Mediation is an informal, confidential and independent service available to help neighbours sort out their differences and reach an agreement. It can help you understand each other’s point of view and reach a solution.
- You can also take look at our tips to reduce noise – some of these things you’ll be able to do, others you could speak to your neighbour about.
How to make a report
- If you’d like to speak with us about a persistent noise issue, please call the call centre on 0300 5000 926.
Is it antisocial behaviour?
This is a criminal offence as part of The Dogs (Fouling of Land) Act 1996.
What you can do
- Please report it to your local council
- If the foul is persistently being left on public land – such as pavements or the park, please contact the police. They may be able to issue a fine if there’s enough evidence.
How to make a report
- If you’d like to speak with us about a persistent dog foul issue on our land, please call the call centre on 0300 5000 926.